/* distancethreshold: Minimum cutoff for a gestures to take effect degreesleniency: Offset degrees within which gesture is recognized (max=45) timeoutms: Maximum duration for a gesture to take place in miliseconds orientation: Number of 90 degree turns to shift gestures by verbose: 1=enabled, 0=disabled; helpful for debugging device: Path to the /dev/ filesystem device events should be read from gestures: Array of gestures; binds num of fingers / gesturetypes to commands Supported gestures: SwipeLR, SwipeRL, SwipeDU, SwipeUD, SwipeDLUR, SwipeURDL, SwipeDRUL, SwipeULDR */ unsigned int distancethreshold = 300; unsigned int degreesleniency = 15; unsigned int timeoutms = 800; unsigned int orientation = 0; unsigned int verbose = 0; double edgesizeleft = 50.0; double edgesizetop = 50.0; double edgesizeright = 50.0; double edgesizebottom = 50.0; char *device = "/dev/input/event1"; Gesture gestures[] = { /* nfingers gesturetype command */ //{ 1, SwipeLR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+e" }, //{ 1, SwipeRL, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+r" }, //{ 1, SwipeDLUR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "volume up" }, //{ 1, SwipeURDL, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "volume down" }, // { 1, SwipeDRUL, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "brightness up" }, // { 1, SwipeULDR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "brightness down" }, //{ 2, SwipeLR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+e" }, //{ 2, SwipeRL, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+r" }, { 1, SwipeUD, EdgeTop, DistanceShort, "folder-shell &" }, { 2, SwipeUD, EdgeTop, DistanceShort, "sleep 0.3; xdotool key --clearmodifiers 'Super_L+q'" }, { 1, SwipeLR, EdgeLeft, DistanceShort, "spawn-phone-menu &" }, { 2, SwipeLR, EdgeLeft, DistanceShort, "spawn-phone-menu system &" }, { 1, SwipeRL, EdgeRight, DistanceShort, "launcher &" }, { 1, SwipeUD, EdgeRight, DistanceShort, "phoneStatus &" }, { 1, SwipeDU, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pidof svkbd-colemak || pidof svkbd-numbers || svkbd-colemak &" }, { 2, SwipeDU, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pidof svkbd-colemak || pidof svkbd-numbers || svkbd-numbers &" }, { 1, SwipeUD, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pkill -9 'svkbd-*'" }, { 2, SwipeUD, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pkill -9 'svkbd-*'" }, { 1, SwipeLR, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers 'Super_L+Right'" }, { 1, SwipeRL, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers 'Super_L+Left'" }, };