#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Defines */ #define MAXSLOTS 20 #define NOMOTION -999999 /* Types */ enum { SwipeDU, SwipeUD, SwipeLR, SwipeRL, SwipeDLUR, SwipeDRUL, SwipeURDL, SwipeULDR }; typedef int Swipe; enum { EdgeAny, EdgeNone, EdgeLeft, EdgeRight, EdgeTop, EdgeBottom, CornerTopLeft, CornerTopRight, CornerBottomLeft, CornerBottomRight, }; typedef int Edge; enum { DistanceAny, DistanceShort, DistanceMedium, DistanceLong, }; typedef int Distance; typedef struct { int nfswipe; Swipe swipe; Edge edge; Distance distance; char *command; } Gesture; /* Config */ #include "config.h" /* Globals */ Gesture *gestsarr; int gestsarrlen; Swipe pendingswipe; Edge pendingedge; Distance pendingdistance; double xstart[MAXSLOTS], xend[MAXSLOTS], ystart[MAXSLOTS], yend[MAXSLOTS]; unsigned nfdown = 0, nfpendingswipe = 0; struct timespec timedown; static Display *dpy; static int screen; static int screenwidth, screenheight; void die(char * msg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); exit(1); } void execcommand(char *c) { system(c); } int gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(double gestdegrees, double wantdegrees) { return ( gestdegrees >= wantdegrees - degreesleniency && gestdegrees <= wantdegrees + degreesleniency ); } Swipe gesturecalculateswipe(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { double t, degrees, dist; t = atan2(x1 - x0, y0 - y1); degrees = 57.2957795130823209 * (t < 0 ? t + 6.2831853071795865 : t); dist = sqrt(pow(x1 - x0, 2) + pow(y1 - y0, 2)); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Swipe distance=[%.2f]; degrees=[%.2f]\n", dist, degrees); if (dist < distancethreshold) return -1; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 0)) return SwipeDU; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 45)) return SwipeDLUR; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 90)) return SwipeLR; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 135)) return SwipeULDR; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 180)) return SwipeUD; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 225)) return SwipeURDL; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 270)) return SwipeRL; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 315)) return SwipeDRUL; else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 360)) return SwipeDU; return -1; } Distance gesturecalculatedistance(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, Swipe swipe) { double dist = sqrt(pow(x1 - x0, 2) + pow(y1 - y0, 2)); double diag = sqrt(pow(screenwidth,2) + pow(screenheight,2)); switch (swipe) { case SwipeDU: case SwipeUD: if (dist >= screenheight * 0.66) { return DistanceLong; } else if (dist >= screenheight * 0.33) { return DistanceMedium; } else { return DistanceShort; } break; case SwipeLR: case SwipeRL: if (dist >= screenwidth * 0.66) { return DistanceLong; } else if (dist >= screenwidth * 0.33) { return DistanceMedium; } else { return DistanceShort; } break; case SwipeULDR: case SwipeDRUL: case SwipeDLUR: case SwipeURDL: if (dist >= diag * 0.66) { return DistanceLong; } else if (dist >= diag * 0.33) { return DistanceMedium; } else { return DistanceShort; } break; } return 0; //shouldn't happen } Edge gesturecalculateedge(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { Edge horizontal = EdgeNone; Edge vertical = EdgeNone; if (x0 <= edgesizex) { horizontal = EdgeLeft; } else if (x0 >= screenwidth - edgesizex) { horizontal = EdgeRight; } else if (x1 <= edgesizex) { horizontal = EdgeLeft; } else if (x1 >= screenwidth - edgesizex) { horizontal = EdgeRight; } if (y0 <= edgesizey) { vertical = EdgeTop; } else if (y0 >= screenheight - edgesizey) { vertical = EdgeBottom; } else if (y1 <= edgesizey) { vertical = EdgeTop; } else if (y1 >= screenheight - edgesizey) { vertical = EdgeBottom; } if (horizontal == EdgeLeft && vertical == EdgeTop) { return CornerTopLeft; } else if (horizontal == EdgeRight && vertical == EdgeTop) { return CornerTopRight; } else if (horizontal == EdgeLeft && vertical == EdgeBottom) { return CornerBottomLeft; } else if (horizontal == EdgeRight && vertical == EdgeBottom) { return CornerBottomRight; } else if (horizontal != EdgeNone) { return horizontal; } else { return vertical; } } void gestureexecute(Swipe swipe, int nfingers, Edge edge, Distance distance) { int i; for (i = 0; i < gestsarrlen; i++) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "[swipe]: Cfg(f=%d/s=%d/e=%d/d=%d) <=> Evt(f=%d/s=%d/e=%d/d=%d)\n", gestsarr[i].nfswipe, gestsarr[i].swipe, gestsarr[i].edge, gestsarr[i].distance, nfingers, swipe, edge, distance ); } if (gestsarr[i].nfswipe == nfingers && gestsarr[i].swipe == swipe && gestsarr[i].distance <= distance && (gestsarr[i].edge == EdgeAny || gestsarr[i].edge == edge || ((edge == CornerTopLeft || edge == CornerTopRight) && gestsarr[i].edge == EdgeTop) || ((edge == CornerBottomLeft || edge == CornerBottomRight) && gestsarr[i].edge == EdgeBottom) || ((edge == CornerTopLeft || edge == CornerBottomLeft) && gestsarr[i].edge == EdgeLeft) || ((edge == CornerTopRight || edge == CornerBottomRight) && gestsarr[i].edge == EdgeRight) ) ) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Execute %s\n", gestsarr[i].command); execcommand(gestsarr[i].command); break; //execute first match only } } } static int libinputopenrestricted(const char *path, int flags, void *user_data) { int fd = open(path, flags); return fd < 0 ? -errno : fd; } static void libinputcloserestricted(int fd, void *user_data) { close(fd); } Swipe swipereorient(Swipe swipe, int orientation) { while (orientation > 0) { switch(swipe) { // 90deg per turn so: L->U, R->D, U->R, D->L case SwipeDU: swipe = SwipeLR; break; case SwipeDLUR: swipe = SwipeULDR; break; case SwipeLR: swipe = SwipeUD; break; case SwipeULDR: swipe = SwipeURDL; break; case SwipeUD: swipe = SwipeRL; break; case SwipeURDL: swipe = SwipeDRUL; break; case SwipeRL: swipe = SwipeDU; break; case SwipeDRUL: swipe = SwipeDLUR; break; } orientation--; } return swipe; } Edge edgereorient(Edge edge, int orientation) { while (orientation > 0) { switch(edge) { // 90deg per turn case EdgeLeft: edge = EdgeTop; break; case EdgeRight: edge = EdgeBottom; break; case EdgeTop: edge = EdgeRight; break; case EdgeBottom: edge = EdgeLeft; break; case CornerTopLeft: edge = CornerTopRight; break; case CornerTopRight: edge = CornerBottomRight; break; case CornerBottomLeft: edge = CornerTopLeft; break; case CornerBottomRight: edge = CornerBottomLeft; break; } orientation--; } return edge; } void touchdown(struct libinput_event *e) { struct libinput_event_touch *tevent; int slot; tevent = libinput_event_get_touch_event(e); slot = libinput_event_touch_get_slot(tevent); xstart[slot] = libinput_event_touch_get_x(tevent); ystart[slot] = libinput_event_touch_get_y(tevent); if (nfdown == 0) clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &timedown); nfdown++; } void touchmotion(struct libinput_event *e) { struct libinput_event_touch *tevent; int slot; tevent = libinput_event_get_touch_event(e); slot = libinput_event_touch_get_slot(tevent); xend[slot] = libinput_event_touch_get_x(tevent); yend[slot] = libinput_event_touch_get_y(tevent); } void resetslot(int slot) { xend[slot] = NOMOTION; yend[slot] = NOMOTION; xstart[slot] = NOMOTION; ystart[slot] = NOMOTION; } void touchup(struct libinput_event *e) { int i; int slot; struct libinput_event_touch *tevent; struct timespec now; tevent = libinput_event_get_touch_event(e); slot = libinput_event_touch_get_slot(tevent); nfdown--; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &now); // E.g. invalid motion, it didn't begin/end from anywhere if ( xstart[slot] == NOMOTION || ystart[slot] == NOMOTION || xend[slot] == NOMOTION || yend[slot] == NOMOTION ) return; Swipe swipe = gesturecalculateswipe( xstart[slot], ystart[slot], xend[slot], yend[slot] ); Edge edge = gesturecalculateedge( xstart[slot], ystart[slot], xend[slot], yend[slot] ); Distance distance = gesturecalculatedistance( xstart[slot], ystart[slot], xend[slot], yend[slot], swipe ); if (nfpendingswipe == 0) { pendingswipe = swipe; pendingedge = edge; pendingdistance = distance; } if (pendingswipe == swipe) nfpendingswipe++; resetslot(slot); // All fingers up - check if within milisecond limit, exec, & reset if (nfdown == 0) { if ( timeoutms > ((now.tv_sec - timedown.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (now.tv_nsec - timedown.tv_nsec) / 1000) / 1000 ) gestureexecute(swipe, nfpendingswipe, edge, distance); nfpendingswipe = 0; } } void run() { int i; struct libinput *li; struct libinput_event *event; struct libinput_event_touch *tevent; struct libinput_device *d; int selectresult; fd_set fdset; const static struct libinput_interface interface = { .open_restricted = libinputopenrestricted, .close_restricted = libinputcloserestricted, }; li = libinput_path_create_context(&interface, NULL); if ((d = libinput_path_add_device(li, device)) == NULL) { die("Couldn't bind event from dev filesystem"); } else if (LIBINPUT_CONFIG_STATUS_SUCCESS != libinput_device_config_send_events_set_mode( d, LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SEND_EVENTS_ENABLED )) { die("Couldn't set mode to capture events"); } // E.g. initially invalidate every slot for (i = 0; i < MAXSLOTS; i++) { xend[i] = NOMOTION; yend[i] = NOMOTION; xstart[i] = NOMOTION; ystart[i] = NOMOTION; } FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(libinput_get_fd(li), &fdset); for (;;) { selectresult = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdset, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (selectresult == -1) { die("Can't select on device node?"); } else { libinput_dispatch(li); while ((event = libinput_get_event(li)) != NULL) { switch(libinput_event_get_type(event)) { case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN: touchdown(event); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_UP: touchup(event); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_MOTION: touchmotion(event); break; } libinput_event_destroy(event); } } } libinput_unref(li); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j; char *gestpt; gestsarr = malloc(0); gestsarrlen = 0; prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGTERM); prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGKILL); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { verbose = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) { device = argv[++i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-t")) { distancethreshold = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-r")) { degreesleniency = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m")) { timeoutms = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o")) { orientation = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-g")) { gestsarrlen++; gestsarr = realloc(gestsarr, (gestsarrlen * sizeof(Gesture))); if (gestsarr == NULL) { perror("Could not allocate memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gestpt = strtok(argv[++i], ","); for (j = 0; gestpt != NULL && j < 5; gestpt = strtok(NULL, ","), j++) { switch(j) { case 0: gestsarr[gestsarrlen - 1].nfswipe = atoi(gestpt); break; case 1: if (!strcmp(gestpt, "LR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeLR; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "RL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeRL; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "DU")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeDU; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "UD")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeUD; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "DLUR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeDLUR; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "URDL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeURDL; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "ULDR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeULDR; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "DRUL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeDRUL; break; case 2: if (!strcmp(gestpt, "L")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = EdgeLeft; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "R")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = EdgeRight; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "T")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = EdgeTop; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "B")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = EdgeBottom; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "TL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = CornerTopLeft; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "TR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = CornerTopRight; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "BL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = CornerBottomLeft; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "BR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = CornerBottomRight; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "N")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = EdgeNone; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "*")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].edge = EdgeAny; break; case 3: if (!strcmp(gestpt, "L")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].distance = DistanceLong; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "M")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].distance = DistanceMedium; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "S")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].distance = DistanceShort; if (!strcmp(gestpt, "*")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].distance = DistanceAny; break; case 4: gestsarr[gestsarrlen - 1].command = gestpt; break; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "lisgd [-v] [-d /dev/input/0] [-o 0] [-t 200] [-r 20] [-m 400] [-g '1,LR,L,notify-send swiped left to right from left edge']\n"); exit(1); } } //get display size if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(0))) die("cannot open display"); screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); screenwidth = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen); screenheight = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen); // E.g. no gestures passed on CLI - used gestures defined in config.def.h if (gestsarrlen == 0) { gestsarr = malloc(sizeof(gestures)); gestsarrlen = sizeof(gestures) / sizeof(Gesture); memcpy(gestsarr, gestures, sizeof(gestures)); } // Modify gestures swipes based on orientation provided for (i = 0; i < gestsarrlen; i++) { gestsarr[i].swipe = swipereorient(gestsarr[i].swipe, orientation); gestsarr[i].edge = edgereorient(gestsarr[i].edge, orientation); } run(); return 0; }