#!/usr/bin/env bash getBlogSlug(){ echo "$1" | sed 's/^content\//\//' | sed 's/.md$/.html/' | sed -E 's/[0-9]+-//' } blog(){ echo "Generating Blog pages" [ ! -f "tmp/templates/tagList.html" ] && echo "No taglist file" | tee "tmp/templates/tagList.html" > /dev/stderr local newer="" [ -f tmp/lastBlogUpdate ] && newer="-newer tmp/lastBlogUpdate" find content/ -type f -name '*.md' $newer | while read file; do newFileName=$(getBlogSlug "$file") mkdir -p "public_html/${newFileName%/*}" mkdir -p "public_gemini/${newFileName%/*}" pandoc --template=templates/blog.html -f markdown -t html5 -M comments "$file" > "public_html/$newFileName" local info="$(sed -n '/---/,/---/p' "$file" | sed '/^$/,$d' | sed -n '1,/---/p' | sed '/^---$/d')" local title="$(echo "$info" | yq -r .title)" echo "# $title" | cat - "$file" | sed '/^---/,/^---/d' | md2gemini --link at-end > "public_gemini/${newFileName%.*}.gmi" done touch tmp/lastBlogUpdate } makeIntro(){ local file="$1" local output="tmp/intros/$file" local rssoutput="tmp/rss/$file" # We delete tmp each time the build script runs, so if the file exists, we have already generated one this time [ -f "$output" ] && return 1 mkdir -p "${output%/*}" mkdir -p "${rssoutput%/*}" local info="$(sed -n '/---/,/---/p' "$file" | sed '/^$/,$d' | sed -n '1,/---/p' | sed '/^---$/d')" local slug=$(getBlogSlug "$file") local date="$(echo "$info" | yq -r .date)" local rfc822="$(date --utc -d "$date" "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") UT" local tags="$(echo "$info" | yq -r 'if ( .tags | type ) == "array" then .tags else [ .tags ] end | join("\n")' | awk '{print "
  • " $0 "
  • "}' )" local title="$(echo "$info" | yq -r .title)" local description="$(echo "$info" | yq -r .description)" echo "




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    " > "$output" echo "=> ${slug%.*}.gmi $title $date $description " > "${output%.*}.gmi" echo " <![CDATA[$title]]> https://jonathanh.co.uk/$slug https://jonathanh.co.uk/$slug $rfc822 " > "$rssoutput" } getIntro(){ local file="$1" local output="tmp/intros/$file" if [ "$2" = "rss" ]; then local output="tmp/rss/$file" fi if [ "$2" = "gmi" ]; then local output="tmp/intros/${file%.*}.gmi" fi #makeIntro "$file" cat "$output" } index(){ echo "Generating Home Page" [ ! -f "tmp/templates/tagList.html" ] && echo "No taglist file" | tee "tmp/templates/tagList.html" > /dev/stderr local template="$(echo "" | pandoc --template=templates/blog.html -f markdown -t html5 -M frontpage 2> /dev/null )" # First loop makes all the intros needed and stores them in tmp/intros find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do makeIntro "$file" done # Once they are created, we will put them in, in order ( echo "$template" | sed -n '1,/#CONTENT#/p' | head -n -1 find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do grep -Eq '^draft: true' "$file" || getIntro "$file" done echo "$template" | sed -n '/#CONTENT#/,$p' | sed '1d' ) > public_html/index.html # Once they are created, we will put them in, in order ( echo "# Jonathan Hodgson" echo "" echo "## Blogs" echo "" find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do grep -Eq '^draft: true' "$file" || getIntro "$file" gmi done echo "" echo "## Other Links" echo "=> /help-me-out.gmi Help Me Out" echo "=> /other-stuff-you-might-like.gmi Other Stuff You Might Like" ) > public_gemini/index.gmi } tagIndex(){ local tag="$1" local title="$(basename "$tag")" [ ! -f "tmp/templates/tagList.html" ] && echo "No taglist file" | tee "tmp/templates/tagList.html" > /dev/stderr local template="$(echo "" | pandoc --template=templates/blog.html -f markdown -t html5 -M archive -M title:"$title Archive" 2> /dev/null )" cat "$1" | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | while read file; do makeIntro "$file" & done wait echo "$template" | sed -n '1,/#CONTENT#/p' | head -n -1 cat "$1" | sort -r | while read file; do getIntro "$file" done echo "$template" | sed -n '/#CONTENT#/,$p' | sed '1d' } html_tag_list(){ if [ -d "tmp/tag" ]; then echo "" else echo "Need to generate the taglist" > /dev/stderr fi } tags(){ echo "Generating Tags" # Loops through each blog and puts it in tag lists, although only blogs that have changed local newer="" [ -f tmp/lastTagUpdate ] && newer="-newer tmp/lastTagUpdate" find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' -not -name 'xxx-*' $newer | while read file; do sed -n '/---/,/---/p' "$file" | sed -n '1,/---/p' | sed '/^---$/d' | sed '/^$/,$d' | yq -r 'if ( .tags | type ) == "array" then .tags else [ .tags ] end | join("\n")' | while read tag; do tag=$(echo "$tag" | tr ' ' '_') # Adds the file to the tags list if it's not already in there grep -q "$file" tmp/tag/"$tag" 2> /dev/null || echo "$file" >> tmp/tag/"$tag" done done echo "Generating Taglist HTML" html_tag_list > tmp/templates/tagList.html # We should now have a folder with a text file for each tag containing each blog echo "Generating Tag Index Pages" find tmp/tag/ -type f $newer | while read tag; do filename="$(echo $tag | sed 's/^tmp//' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]').html" tagIndex "$tag" > "public_html/$filename" done touch tmp/lastTagUpdate } card(){ echo "Generating Card" content/card.curl > public_html/card } rss(){ echo "Generating RSS Feed" lastUpdate="$(date --utc "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") UT" # First loop makes all the intros needed and stores them in tmp/intros find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do makeIntro "$file" & done wait ( echo " <![CDATA[Jonathan Hodgson]]> https://jonathanh.co.uk $lastUpdate" find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do grep -Eq '^draft: true' "$file" || getIntro "$file" rss done echo ""; ) > public_html/feed.rss } clean(){ rm -rf tmp > /dev/null 2> /dev/null # Don't remove the public_html folder or docker won't re-attach it rm -rf public_html/* rm -rf public_gemini/* } # Make sure the folders we will need exist mkdir -p public_html/{blog,tag} mkdir -p public_gemini/{blog,tag} mkdir -p tmp/{tag,templates,intros} case "$1" in clean) clean ;; index) index ;; blog) blog ;; tags) tags ;; card) card ;; rss) rss ;; all) tags && blog && index && rss && card ;; esac