const express = require('express'); const lanthan = require('lanthan'); const path = require('path'); const assert = require('assert'); const eventually = require('./eventually'); const Key = lanthan.Key; const newApp = () => { let app = express(); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send(` link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 `); }); return app; }; const waitForHints = async(session) => { await eventually(async() => { let hints = await session.findElementsByCSS('.vimvixen-hint'); assert(hints.length > 0); }); }; describe('follow properties test', () => { const port = 12321; let http; let firefox; let session; let browser; let body; before(async() => { http = newApp().listen(port); firefox = await lanthan.firefox({ spy: path.join(__dirname, '..'), builderf: (builder) => { builder.addFile('build/settings.js'); }, }); session = firefox.session; browser = firefox.browser; await{ settings: { source: 'json', json: `{ "keymaps": { ":": { "type": "" }, "f": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": false }, "F": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": true, "background": false }, "": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": true, "background": true } }, "search": { "default": "google", "engines": { "google": "{}" } }, "properties": { "hintchars": "jk" } }`, }}); }); after(async() => { if (firefox) { await firefox.close(); } http.close(); }); beforeEach(async() => { await session.navigateTo(`${port}/`); body = await session.findElementByCSS('body'); }); afterEach(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); for (let tab of tabs.slice(1)) { await browser.tabs.remove(; } }); it('should show hints with hintchars by settings', async () => { await body.sendKeys('f'); await eventually(async() => { let hints = await session.findElementsByCSS('.vimvixen-hint'); assert.equal(hints.length, 5); assert.equal(await hints[0].getText(), 'J'); assert.equal(await hints[1].getText(), 'K'); assert.equal(await hints[2].getText(), 'JJ'); assert.equal(await hints[3].getText(), 'JK'); assert.equal(await hints[4].getText(), 'KJ'); }); await body.sendKeys('j'); await eventually(async() => { let hints = await session.findElementsByCSS('.vimvixen-hint'); assert.equal(await hints[0].getStyle('display'), 'block'); assert.equal(await hints[1].getStyle('display'), 'none'); assert.equal(await hints[2].getStyle('display'), 'block'); assert.equal(await hints[3].getStyle('display'), 'block'); assert.equal(await hints[4].getStyle('display'), 'none'); }); }); it('should open tab in background by background:false', async () => { await body.sendKeys(Key.Shift, 'f'); await eventually(async() => { let hints = await session.findElementsByCSS('.vimvixen-hint'); assert.equal(hints.length, 5); }); await body.sendKeys('jj'); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.equal(tabs[0].active, false); assert.equal(tabs[1].active, true); }); }); it('should open tab in background by background:true', async () => { await body.sendKeys(Key.Control, 'f'); await eventually(async() => { let hints = await session.findElementsByCSS('.vimvixen-hint'); assert.equal(hints.length, 5); }); await body.sendKeys('jj'); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.equal(tabs[0].active, true); assert.equal(tabs[1].active, false); }); }); });