import KeySequence, * as utils from '../../../src/content/domains/KeySequence'; import { expect } from 'chai' describe("KeySequence", () => { describe('#push', () => { it('append a key to the sequence', () => { let seq = KeySequence.from([]); seq.push({ key: 'g' }); seq.push({ key: 'u', shiftKey: true }); let array = seq.getKeyArray(); expect(array[0]).to.deep.equal({ key: 'g' }); expect(array[1]).to.deep.equal({ key: 'u', shiftKey: true }); }) }); describe('#startsWith', () => { it('returns true if the key sequence starts with param', () => { let seq = KeySequence.from([ { key: 'g' }, { key: 'u', shiftKey: true }, ]); expect(seq.startsWith(KeySequence.from([ ]))); expect(seq.startsWith(KeySequence.from([ { key: 'g' }, ]))); expect(seq.startsWith(KeySequence.from([ { key: 'g' }, { key: 'u', shiftKey: true }, ]))); expect(seq.startsWith(KeySequence.from([ { key: 'g' }, { key: 'u', shiftKey: true }, { key: 'x' }, ]))); expect(seq.startsWith(KeySequence.from([ { key: 'h' }, ]))); }) it('returns true if the empty sequence starts with an empty sequence', () => { let seq = KeySequence.from([]); expect(seq.startsWith(KeySequence.from([]))); expect(seq.startsWith(KeySequence.from([ { key: 'h' }, ]))); }) }); describe('#fromMapKeys', () => { it('returns mapped keys for Shift+Esc', () => { let keyArray = utils.fromMapKeys('').getKeyArray(); expect(keyArray).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(keyArray[0].key).to.equal('Esc'); expect(keyArray[0].shiftKey); }); it('returns mapped keys for ad', () => { let keyArray = utils.fromMapKeys('ad').getKeyArray(); expect(keyArray).to.have.lengthOf(5); expect(keyArray[0].key).to.equal('a'); expect(keyArray[1].ctrlKey); expect(keyArray[1].key).to.equal('b'); expect(keyArray[2].altKey); expect(keyArray[2].key).to.equal('c'); expect(keyArray[3].key).to.equal('d'); expect(keyArray[4].metaKey); expect(keyArray[4].key).to.equal('e'); }); }) });