import express from 'express'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as http from 'http'; import eventually from './eventually'; import { Builder, Lanthan } from 'lanthan'; import { WebDriver, By, Key } from 'selenium-webdriver'; const newApp = () => { let app = express(); app.get('/*', (req, res) => { res.send(` my_${req.path.slice(1)}


`); }); return app; }; describe('bdelete/bdeletes command test', () => { const port = 12321; let http: http.Server; let lanthan: Lanthan; let webdriver: WebDriver; let browser: any; before(async() => { http = newApp().listen(port); lanthan = await Builder .forBrowser('firefox') .spyAddon(path.join(__dirname, '..')) .build(); webdriver = lanthan.getWebDriver(); browser = lanthan.getWebExtBrowser(); }); after(async() => { http.close(); if (lanthan) { await lanthan.quit(); } }); beforeEach(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); for (let tab of tabs.slice(1)) { await browser.tabs.remove(; } await browser.tabs.update(tabs[0].id, { url: `${port}/site1`, pinned: true }); await browser.tabs.create({ url: `${port}/site2`, pinned: true }) await browser.tabs.create({ url: `${port}/site3`, pinned: true }) await browser.tabs.create({ url: `${port}/site4` }) await browser.tabs.create({ url: `${port}/site5` }) await eventually(async() => { let handles = await webdriver.getAllWindowHandles(); assert.equal(handles.length, 5); await webdriver.switchTo().window(handles[2]); await webdriver.findElement(By.css('iframe')); }); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); }); it('should delete an unpinned tab by bdelete command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdelete site5', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.deepEqual( any) => t.url), [ `${port}/site1`, `${port}/site2`, `${port}/site3`, `${port}/site4`, ]) }); }); it('should not delete an pinned tab by bdelete command by bdelete command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdelete site1', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.equal(tabs.length, 5); }); }); it('should show an error when no tabs are matched by bdelete command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdelete xyz', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let p = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('.vimvixen-console-error')); let text = await p.getText(); assert.equal(text, 'No matching buffer for xyz'); }); }); it('should show an error when more than one tabs are matched by bdelete command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdelete site', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let p = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('.vimvixen-console-error')); let text = await p.getText(); assert.equal(text, 'More than one match for site'); }); }); it('should delete an unpinned tab by bdelete! command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdelete! site5', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.deepEqual( any) => t.url), [ `${port}/site1`, `${port}/site2`, `${port}/site3`, `${port}/site4`, ]) }); }); it('should delete an pinned tab by bdelete! command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdelete! site1', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.deepEqual( any) => t.url), [ `${port}/site2`, `${port}/site3`, `${port}/site4`, `${port}/site5`, ]) }); }); it('should delete unpinned tabs by bdeletes command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdeletes site', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.deepEqual( any) => t.url), [ `${port}/site1`, `${port}/site2`, `${port}/site3`, ]) }); }); it('should delete both pinned and unpinned tabs by bdeletes! command', async() => { let body = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('body')); await body.sendKeys(':'); await webdriver.switchTo().frame(0); let input = await webdriver.findElement(By.css('input')); await input.sendKeys('bdeletes! site', Key.ENTER); await eventually(async() => { let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({}); assert.equal(tabs.length, 1); }); }); });