import * as operations from 'shared/operations'; describe('operations', () => { describe('#valueOf', () => { it('returns an Operation', () => { let op: operations.Operation = operations.valueOf({ type: operations.SCROLL_VERTICALLY, count: 10, }); expect(op.type).to.equal(operations.SCROLL_VERTICALLY); expect(op.count).to.equal(10); }); it('throws an Error on missing required parameter', () => { expect(() => operations.valueOf({ type: operations.SCROLL_VERTICALLY, })).to.throw(TypeError); }); it('fills default valus of optional parameter', () => { let op: operations.Operation = operations.valueOf({ type: operations.COMMAND_SHOW_OPEN, }); expect(op.type).to.equal(operations.COMMAND_SHOW_OPEN) expect(op.alter); }); it('throws an Error on mismatch of parameter', () => { expect(() => operations.valueOf({ type: operations.SCROLL_VERTICALLY, count: '10', })).to.throw(TypeError); expect(() => valueOf({ type: operations.COMMAND_SHOW_OPEN, alter: 'true', })).to.throw(TypeError); }); }); })