import re import itertools from pygments import highlight from import JsonLexer from pygments.lexers.html import XmlLexer from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_mimetype, HttpLexer from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter def clen(s): ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m') return len(ansi_escape.sub('', s)) class Colors: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' # Effects ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' # Colors BLACK = '\033[30m' RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' BLUE = '\033[34m' MAGENTA = '\033[35m' CYAN = '\033[36m' WHITE = '\033[37m' # BG Colors BGBLACK = '\033[40m' BGRED = '\033[41m' BGGREEN = '\033[42m' BGYELLOW = '\033[43m' BGBLUE = '\033[44m' BGMAGENTA = '\033[45m' BGCYAN = '\033[46m' BGWHITE = '\033[47m' # Light Colors LBLACK = '\033[90m' LRED = '\033[91m' LGREEN = '\033[92m' LYELLOW = '\033[93m' LBLUE = '\033[94m' LMAGENTA = '\033[95m' LCYAN = '\033[96m' LWHITE = '\033[97m' class Styles: ################ # Request tables TABLE_HEADER = Colors.BOLD+Colors.UNDERLINE VERB_GET = Colors.CYAN VERB_POST = Colors.YELLOW VERB_OTHER = Colors.BLUE STATUS_200 = Colors.CYAN STATUS_300 = Colors.MAGENTA STATUS_400 = Colors.YELLOW STATUS_500 = Colors.RED PATH_COLORS = [Colors.CYAN, Colors.BLUE] KV_KEY = Colors.GREEN KV_VAL = Colors.ENDC UNPRINTABLE_DATA = Colors.CYAN def verb_color(verb): if verb and verb == 'GET': return Styles.VERB_GET elif verb and verb == 'POST': return Styles.VERB_POST else: return Styles.VERB_OTHER def scode_color(scode): if scode and scode[0] == '2': return Styles.STATUS_200 elif scode and scode[0] == '3': return Styles.STATUS_300 elif scode and scode[0] == '4': return Styles.STATUS_400 elif scode and scode[0] == '5': return Styles.STATUS_500 else: return Colors.ENDC def path_formatter(path, width=-1): if len(path) > width and width != -1: path = path[:width] path = path[:-3]+'...' parts = path.split('/') colparts = [] for p, c in zip(parts, itertools.cycle(Styles.PATH_COLORS)): colparts.append(c+p+Colors.ENDC) return '/'.join(colparts) def color_string(s, color_only=False): """ Return the string with a a color/ENDC. The same string will always be the same color. """ from .util import str_hash_code # Give each unique host a different color (ish) if not s: return "" strcols = [Colors.RED, Colors.GREEN, Colors.YELLOW, Colors.BLUE, Colors.MAGENTA, Colors.CYAN, Colors.LRED, Colors.LGREEN, Colors.LYELLOW, Colors.LBLUE, Colors.LMAGENTA, Colors.LCYAN] col = strcols[str_hash_code(s)%(len(strcols)-1)] if color_only: return col else: return col + s + Colors.ENDC def pretty_msg(msg): to_ret = pretty_headers(msg) + '\r\n' + pretty_body(msg) return to_ret def pretty_headers(msg): to_ret = msg.headers_section() to_ret = highlight(to_ret, HttpLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) return to_ret def pretty_body(msg): from .util import printable_data to_ret = printable_data(msg.body, colors=False) if 'content-type' in msg.headers: try: lexer = get_lexer_for_mimetype(msg.headers.get('content-type').split(';')[0]) to_ret = highlight(to_ret, lexer, TerminalFormatter()) except: pass return to_ret def url_formatter(req, colored=False, always_have_path=False, explicit_path=False, explicit_port=False): retstr = '' if not req.use_tls: if colored: retstr += Colors.RED retstr += 'http' if colored: retstr += Colors.ENDC retstr += '://' else: retstr += 'https://' if colored: retstr += color_string(req.dest_host) else: retstr += req.dest_host if not ((req.use_tls and req.dest_port == 443) or \ (not req.use_tls and req.dest_port == 80) or \ explicit_port): if colored: retstr += ':' retstr += Colors.MAGENTA retstr += str(req.dest_port) retstr += Colors.ENDC else: retstr += ':{}'.format(req.dest_port) if (req.url.path and req.url.path != '/') or always_have_path: if colored: retstr += path_formatter(req.url.path) else: retstr += req.url.path if req.url.params: retstr += '?' params = req.url.params.split("&") pairs = [tuple(param.split("=")) for param in params] paramstrs = [] for k, v in pairs: if colored: paramstrs += (Colors.GREEN + '{}' + Colors.ENDC + '=' + Colors.LGREEN + '{}' + Colors.ENDC).format(k, v) else: paramstrs += '{}={}'.format(k, v) retstr += '&'.join(paramstrs) if req.url.fragment: retstr += '#%s' % req.url.fragment return retstr