package puppy import ( "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "runtime" "sort" "strings" ) type schemaUpdater func(tx *sql.Tx) error type tableNameRow struct { name string } var schemaUpdaters = []schemaUpdater{ schema8, schema9, } func UpdateSchema(db *sql.DB, logger *log.Logger) error { currSchemaVersion := 0 var tableName string if err := db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='schema_meta';").Scan(&tableName); err == sql.ErrNoRows { logger.Println("No datafile schema, initializing schema") currSchemaVersion = -1 } else if err != nil { return err } else { svr := new(int) if err := db.QueryRow("SELECT version FROM schema_meta;").Scan(svr); err != nil { return err } currSchemaVersion = *svr if currSchemaVersion-7 < len(schemaUpdaters) { logger.Println("Schema out of date. Updating...") } } if currSchemaVersion >= 0 && currSchemaVersion < 8 { return fmt.Errorf("This is a PappyProxy datafile that is not the most recent schema version supported by PappyProxy. Load this datafile using the most recent version of Pappy to upgrade the schema and try importing it again.") } var updaterInd = 0 if currSchemaVersion > 0 { updaterInd = currSchemaVersion - 7 } if currSchemaVersion-7 < len(schemaUpdaters) { tx, err := db.Begin() if err != nil { return err } for i := updaterInd; i < len(schemaUpdaters); i++ { logger.Printf("Updating schema to version %d...", i+8) err := schemaUpdaters[i](tx) if err != nil { logger.Println("Error updating schema:", err) logger.Println("Rolling back") tx.Rollback() return err } } logger.Printf("Schema update successful") tx.Commit() } return nil } func execute(tx *sql.Tx, cmd string) error { err := executeNoDebug(tx, cmd) if err != nil { _, f, ln, _ := runtime.Caller(1) return fmt.Errorf("sql error at %s:%d: %s", f, ln, err.Error()) } return nil } func executeNoDebug(tx *sql.Tx, cmd string) error { stmt, err := tx.Prepare(cmd) defer stmt.Close() if err != nil { return err } if _, err := tx.Stmt(stmt).Exec(); err != nil { return err } return nil } func executeMultiple(tx *sql.Tx, cmds []string) error { for _, cmd := range cmds { err := executeNoDebug(tx, cmd) if err != nil { _, f, ln, _ := runtime.Caller(1) return fmt.Errorf("sql error at %s:%d: %s", f, ln, err.Error()) } } return nil } /* SCHEMA 8 / INITIAL */ func schema8(tx *sql.Tx) error { // Create a schema that is the same as pappy's last version cmds := []string{ ` CREATE TABLE schema_meta ( version INTEGER NOT NULL ); `, ` INSERT INTO "schema_meta" VALUES(8); `, ` CREATE TABLE responses ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, full_response BLOB NOT NULL, unmangled_id INTEGER REFERENCES responses(id) ); `, ` CREATE TABLE scope ( filter_order INTEGER NOT NULL, filter_string TEXT NOT NULL ); `, ` CREATE TABLE tags ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, tag TEXT NOT NULL ); `, ` CREATE TABLE tagged ( reqid INTEGER, tagid INTEGER ); `, ` CREATE TABLE "requests" ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, full_request BLOB NOT NULL, submitted INTEGER NOT NULL, response_id INTEGER REFERENCES responses(id), unmangled_id INTEGER REFERENCES requests(id), port INTEGER, is_ssl INTEGER, host TEXT, plugin_data TEXT, start_datetime REAL, end_datetime REAL ); `, ` CREATE TABLE saved_contexts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, context_name TEXT UNIQUE, filter_strings TEXT ); `, ` CREATE TABLE websocket_messages ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, parent_request INTEGER REFERENCES requests(id), unmangled_id INTEGER REFERENCES websocket_messages(id), is_binary INTEGER, direction INTEGER, time_sent REAL, contents BLOB ); `, ` CREATE INDEX ind_start_time ON requests(start_datetime); `, } err := executeMultiple(tx, cmds) if err != nil { return err } return nil } /* SCHEMA 9 */ func pappyFilterToStrArgList(f string) ([]string, error) { parts := strings.Split(f, " ") // Validate the arguments goArgs, err := CheckArgsStrToGo(parts) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting filter string \"%s\": %s", f, err) } strArgs, err := CheckArgsGoToStr(goArgs) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting filter string \"%s\": %s", f, err) } return strArgs, nil } func pappyListToStrMessageQuery(f []string) (StrMessageQuery, error) { retFilter := make(StrMessageQuery, len(f)) for i, s := range f { strArgs, err := pappyFilterToStrArgList(s) if err != nil { return nil, err } newPhrase := make(StrQueryPhrase, 1) newPhrase[0] = strArgs retFilter[i] = newPhrase } return retFilter, nil } type s9ScopeStr struct { Order int64 Filter string } type s9ScopeSort []*s9ScopeStr func (ls s9ScopeSort) Len() int { return len(ls) } func (ls s9ScopeSort) Swap(i int, j int) { ls[i], ls[j] = ls[j], ls[i] } func (ls s9ScopeSort) Less(i int, j int) bool { return ls[i].Order < ls[j].Order } func schema9(tx *sql.Tx) error { /* Converts the floating point timestamps into integers representing nanoseconds from jan 1 1970 */ // Rename the old requests table if err := execute(tx, "ALTER TABLE requests RENAME TO requests_old"); err != nil { return err } if err := execute(tx, "ALTER TABLE websocket_messages RENAME TO websocket_messages_old"); err != nil { return err } // Create new requests table with integer datetime cmds := []string{` CREATE TABLE "requests" ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, full_request BLOB NOT NULL, submitted INTEGER NOT NULL, response_id INTEGER REFERENCES responses(id), unmangled_id INTEGER REFERENCES requests(id), port INTEGER, is_ssl INTEGER, host TEXT, plugin_data TEXT, start_datetime INTEGER, end_datetime INTEGER ); `, ` INSERT INTO requests SELECT id, full_request, submitted, response_id, unmangled_id, port, is_ssl, host, plugin_data, 0, 0 FROM requests_old `, ` CREATE TABLE websocket_messages ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, parent_request INTEGER REFERENCES requests(id), unmangled_id INTEGER REFERENCES websocket_messages(id), is_binary INTEGER, direction INTEGER, time_sent INTEGER, contents BLOB ); `, ` INSERT INTO websocket_messages SELECT id, parent_request, unmangled_id, is_binary, direction, 0, contents FROM websocket_messages_old `, } if err := executeMultiple(tx, cmds); err != nil { return err } // Update time values to use unix time nanoseconds rows, err := tx.Query("SELECT id, start_datetime, end_datetime FROM requests_old;") if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() var reqid int64 var startDT sql.NullFloat64 var endDT sql.NullFloat64 var newStartDT int64 var newEndDT int64 for rows.Next() { if err := rows.Scan(&reqid, &startDT, &endDT); err != nil { return err } if startDT.Valid { // Convert to nanoseconds newStartDT = int64(startDT.Float64 * 1000000000) } else { newStartDT = 0 } if endDT.Valid { newEndDT = int64(endDT.Float64 * 1000000000) } else { newEndDT = 0 } // Save the new value stmt, err := tx.Prepare("UPDATE requests SET start_datetime=?, end_datetime=? WHERE id=?") if err != nil { return err } defer stmt.Close() if _, err := tx.Stmt(stmt).Exec(newStartDT, newEndDT, reqid); err != nil { return err } } // Update websocket time values to use unix time nanoseconds rows, err = tx.Query("SELECT id, time_sent FROM websocket_messages_old;") if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() var wsid int64 var sentDT sql.NullFloat64 var newSentDT int64 for rows.Next() { if err := rows.Scan(&wsid, &sentDT); err != nil { return err } if sentDT.Valid { // Convert to nanoseconds newSentDT = int64(startDT.Float64 * 1000000000) } else { newSentDT = 0 } // Save the new value stmt, err := tx.Prepare("UPDATE websocket_messages SET time_sent=? WHERE id=?") if err != nil { return err } defer stmt.Close() if _, err := tx.Stmt(stmt).Exec(newSentDT, reqid); err != nil { return err } } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { return err } if err := execute(tx, "DROP TABLE requests_old"); err != nil { return err } if err := execute(tx, "DROP TABLE websocket_messages_old"); err != nil { return err } // Update saved contexts rows, err = tx.Query("SELECT id, context_name, filter_strings FROM saved_contexts") if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() var contextId int64 var contextName sql.NullString var filterStrings sql.NullString for rows.Next() { if err := rows.Scan(&contextId, &contextName, &filterStrings); err != nil { return err } if !contextName.Valid { continue } if !filterStrings.Valid { continue } if contextName.String == "__scope" { // hopefully this doesn't break anything critical, but we want to store the scope // as a saved context now with the name __scope continue } var pappyFilters []string err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(filterStrings.String), &pappyFilters) if err != nil { return err } newFilter, err := pappyListToStrMessageQuery(pappyFilters) if err != nil { // We're just ignoring filters that we can't convert :| continue } newFilterStr, err := json.Marshal(newFilter) if err != nil { return err } stmt, err := tx.Prepare("UPDATE saved_contexts SET filter_strings=? WHERE id=?") if err != nil { return err } defer stmt.Close() if _, err := tx.Stmt(stmt).Exec(newFilterStr, contextId); err != nil { return err } } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { return err } // Move scope to a saved context rows, err = tx.Query("SELECT filter_order, filter_string FROM scope") if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() var filterOrder sql.NullInt64 var filterString sql.NullString vals := make([]*s9ScopeStr, 0) for rows.Next() { if err := rows.Scan(&filterOrder, &filterString); err != nil { return err } if !filterOrder.Valid { continue } if !filterString.Valid { continue } vals = append(vals, &s9ScopeStr{filterOrder.Int64, filterString.String}) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { return err } // Put the scope in the right order sort.Sort(s9ScopeSort(vals)) // Convert it into a list of filters filterList := make([]string, len(vals)) for i, ss := range vals { filterList[i] = ss.Filter } newScopeStrFilter, err := pappyListToStrMessageQuery(filterList) if err != nil { // We'll only convert the scope if we can, otherwise we'll drop it err := execute(tx, `INSERT INTO saved_contexts (context_name, filter_strings) VALUES("__scope", "[]")`) if err != nil { return err } } else { stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`INSERT INTO saved_contexts (context_name, filter_strings) VALUES("__scope", ?)`) if err != nil { return err } defer stmt.Close() newScopeFilterStr, err := json.Marshal(newScopeStrFilter) if err != nil { return err } if _, err := tx.Stmt(stmt).Exec(newScopeFilterStr); err != nil { return err } } if err := execute(tx, "DROP TABLE scope"); err != nil { return err } // Update schema number if err := execute(tx, `UPDATE schema_meta SET version=9`); err != nil { return err } return nil }