#!/bin/bash prompt_yn() { read -p "$1 (yN) " yn; case $yn in [Yy]* ) return 0;; * ) return 1;; esac } require() { if ! $@; then echo "Error running $@, exiting..."; exit 1; fi } GO="$(which go)" BUILDFLAGS="" PUPPYREPO="https://github.com/roglew/puppy.git" PUPPYVERSION="tags/0.2.3" INSTALLDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" TMPGOPATH="$INSTALLDIR/gopath" DATADIR="$HOME/.pappy" VIRTUALENVNAME="pappyenv" while getopts "g:f:r:dh" opt; do case $opt in g) GO="$OPTARG" ;; f) BUILDFLAGS="${OPTARG}" ;; r) PUPPYREPO="${OPTARG}" DEV="yes" ;; d) DEV="yes" ;; h) echo -e "Build script flags:" echo -e "-g [path to go]\tUse specific go binary to compile puppy" echo -e "-f [arguments]\tArguments to pass to \"go build\". ie -f \"-ldflags -s\"" echo -e "-r [git repository link]\t download puppy from an alternate repository" echo -e "-d\tinstall puppy in development mode by using \"pip install -e\" to install puppy" echo -e "-h\tprint this help message" echo -e "" exit 0; ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1; ;; esac done if ! type "pip" > /dev/null; then if ! type "easy_install" > /dev/null; then echo "easy_install not available. Please install easy_install then try again." exit 1; fi if prompt_yn "Installation requires pip. Install pip using \"sudo easy_install pup\"?"; then require sudo easy_install pip; else echo "Please install pip and try the installation again" exit 1; fi fi if python -c "import pappyproxy" &> /dev/null; then echo "An earlier version of pappy appears to be installed. Please remove it and try installation again." echo "This can likely be done by running \"pip uninstall pappyproxy\"" exit 1; fi # Set up fake gopath if [ -z "$GOPATH" ]; then echo "No GOPATH detected, creating temporary GOPATH at $TMPGOPATH"; export GOPATH="$TMPGOPATH"; fi require mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src" # Clone the repo REPODIR="$GOPATH/src/puppy"; if [ ! -d "$REPODIR" ]; then # Clone the repo if it doesn't exist require mkdir -p "$REPODIR"; echo git clone "$PUPPYREPO" "$REPODIR"; require git clone "$PUPPYREPO" "$REPODIR"; fi # Check out the correct version cd "$REPODIR"; if [ $DEV ] || [ $REPODIR ]; then # If it's development, get the most recent version of puppy require git pull; else # if it's not development, get the specified version require git checkout "$PUPPYVERSION"; fi cd "$INSTALLDIR" # Get dependencies cd "$REPODIR"; echo "Getting puppy dependencies..." require "$GO" get ./...; # Build puppy into the data dir echo "Building puppy into $DATADIR/puppy..."; require mkdir -p "$DATADIR"; require "$GO" build -o "$DATADIR"/puppy $BUILDFLAGS "puppy/cmd/main"; # Clear out old .pyc files require find "$INSTALLDIR/pappyproxy" -iname "*.pyc" -exec rm -f {} \; # Set up the virtual environment if ! type "virtualenv" > /dev/null; then if prompt_yn "\"virtualenv\" not installed. Install using pip?"; then require sudo pip install virtualenv else exit 1; fi fi VENVDIR="$DATADIR/venv"; require mkdir -p "$VENVDIR"; require virtualenv -p "$(which python3)" "$VENVDIR"; cd "$VENVDIR"; require source bin/activate; cd "$INSTALLDIR"; if [ -z $DEV ]; then require pip install -e . else require pip install . fi echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nsource \"$VENVDIR/bin/activate\";\npappy \$@;\n" > start chmod +x start; echo "" echo "Pappy installed. Run pappy by executing the generated \"start\" script."