import crochet import curses import os import pappyproxy import shlex import subprocess import tempfile from pappyproxy.util import PappyException from pappyproxy.macros import InterceptMacro from pappyproxy.http import Request, Response from pappyproxy.plugin import add_intercepting_macro, remove_intercepting_macro from pappyproxy import pappy from twisted.internet import defer PLUGIN_ID="manglecmds" edit_queue = [] class MangleInterceptMacro(InterceptMacro): """ A class representing a macro that modifies requests as they pass through the proxy """ def __init__(self): InterceptMacro.__init__(self) = 'Pappy Interceptor Macro' self.intercept_requests = False self.intercept_responses = False self.async_req = True self.async_rsp = True def __repr__(self): return "" @defer.inlineCallbacks def async_mangle_request(self, request): # This function gets called to mangle/edit requests passed through the proxy retreq = request # Write original request to the temp file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tf: tfName = tf.write(request.full_request) # Have the console edit the file yield edit_file(tfName) # Create new mangled request from edited file with open(tfName, 'r') as f: text = os.remove(tfName) # Check if dropped if text == '': pappyproxy.proxy.log('Request dropped!') defer.returnValue(None) mangled_req = Request(text, update_content_length=True) mangled_req._host = mangled_req.port = request.port mangled_req.is_ssl = request.is_ssl # Check if it changed if mangled_req.full_request != request.full_request: retreq = mangled_req defer.returnValue(retreq) @defer.inlineCallbacks def async_mangle_response(self, request): # This function gets called to mangle/edit respones passed through the proxy retrsp = request.response # Write original response to the temp file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tf: tfName = tf.write(request.response.full_response) # Have the console edit the file yield edit_file(tfName, front=True) # Create new mangled response from edited file with open(tfName, 'r') as f: text = os.remove(tfName) # Check if dropped if text == '': pappyproxy.proxy.log('Response dropped!') defer.returnValue(None) mangled_rsp = Response(text, update_content_length=True) if mangled_rsp.full_response != request.response.full_response: mangled_rsp.unmangled = request.response retrsp = mangled_rsp defer.returnValue(retrsp) ############### ## Helper funcs def edit_file(fname, front=False): global edit_queue # Adds the filename to the edit queue. Returns a deferred that is fired once # the file is edited and the editor is closed d = defer.Deferred() if front: edit_queue = [(fname, d)] + edit_queue else: edit_queue.append((fname, d)) return d @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def check_reqid(reqid): # Used for the repeater command. Must not be async try: yield pappyproxy.http.Request.load_request(reqid) except: raise PappyException('"%s" is not a valid request id' % reqid) defer.returnValue(None) def start_editor(reqid): script_loc = os.path.join(pappy.session.config.pappy_dir, "plugins", "vim_repeater", "repeater.vim")["vim", "-S", script_loc, "-c", "RepeaterSetup %s %d"%(reqid, pappy.session.comm_port)]) #################### ## Command functions def repeater(line): """ Open a request in the repeater Usage: repeater """ # This is not async on purpose. start_editor acts up if this is called # with inline callbacks. As a result, check_reqid and get_unmangled # cannot be async args = shlex.split(line) reqid = args[0] check_reqid(reqid) start_editor(reqid) def intercept(line): """ Intercept requests and/or responses and edit them with before passing them along Usage: intercept """ global edit_queue args = shlex.split(line) intercept_requests = False intercept_responses = False req_names = ('req', 'request', 'requests') rsp_names = ('rsp', 'response', 'responses') if any(a in req_names for a in args): intercept_requests = True if any(a in rsp_names for a in args): intercept_responses = True if not args: intercept_requests = True if intercept_requests and intercept_responses: intercept_str = 'Requests and responses' elif intercept_requests: intercept_str = 'Requests' elif intercept_responses: intercept_str = 'Responses' else: intercept_str = 'NOTHING' mangle_macro = MangleInterceptMacro() mangle_macro.intercept_requests = intercept_requests mangle_macro.intercept_responses = intercept_responses add_intercepting_macro('pappy_intercept', mangle_macro) ## Interceptor loop stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() try: editnext = False stdscr.nodelay(True) while True: stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "Currently intercepting: %s" % intercept_str) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr(1, 0, "%d item(s) in queue." % len(edit_queue)) stdscr.clrtoeol() if editnext: stdscr.addstr(2, 0, "Waiting for next item... Press 'q' to quit or 'b' to quit waiting") else: stdscr.addstr(2, 0, "Press 'n' to edit the next item or 'q' to quit interceptor.") stdscr.clrtoeol() c = stdscr.getch() if c == ord('q'): break elif c == ord('n'): editnext = True elif c == ord('b'): editnext = False if editnext and edit_queue: editnext = False (to_edit, deferred) = edit_queue.pop(0) editor = 'vi' if 'EDITOR' in os.environ: editor = os.environ['EDITOR'] additional_args = [] if editor == 'vim': # prevent adding additional newline additional_args.append('-b')[editor, to_edit] + additional_args) stdscr.clear() deferred.callback(None) finally: curses.nocbreak() stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() try: remove_intercepting_macro('pappy_intercept') except PappyException: pass # Send remaining requests along while len(edit_queue) > 0: (fname, deferred) = edit_queue.pop(0) deferred.callback(None) ############### ## Plugin hooks def load_cmds(cmd): cmd.set_cmds({ 'intercept': (intercept, None), 'repeater': (repeater, None), }) cmd.add_aliases([ ('intercept', 'ic'), ('repeater', 'rp'), ])