import crochet import pappyproxy from pappyproxy.util import PappyException, confirm from pappyproxy.http import Request from twisted.internet import defer class BuiltinFilters(object): _filters = { 'not_image': ( ['path nctr "(\.png$|\.jpg$|\.gif$)"'], 'Filter out image requests', ), 'not_jscss': ( ['path nctr "(\.js$|\.css$)"'], 'Filter out javascript and css files', ), } @staticmethod @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(name): if name not in BuiltinFilters._filters: raise PappyException('%s not a bult in filter' % name) if name in BuiltinFilters._filters: filters = [pappyproxy.context.Filter(f) for f in BuiltinFilters._filters[name][0]] for f in filters: yield f.generate() defer.returnValue(filters) raise PappyException('"%s" is not a built-in filter' % name) @staticmethod def list(): return [k for k, v in BuiltinFilters._filters.iteritems()] @staticmethod def help(name): if name not in BuiltinFilters._filters: raise PappyException('"%s" is not a built-in filter' % name) return pappyproxy.context.Filter(BuiltinFilters._filters[name][1]) @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def filtercmd(line): """ Apply a filter to the current context Usage: filter See for information on filter strings """ if not line: raise PappyException("Filter string required") filter_to_add = pappyproxy.context.Filter(line) yield filter_to_add.generate() pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.add_filter(filter_to_add) def complete_builtin_filter(text, line, begidx, endidx): all_names = BuiltinFilters.list() if not text: ret = all_names[:] else: ret = [n for n in all_names if n.startswith(text)] return ret @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def builtin_filter(line): if not line: raise PappyException("Filter name required") filters_to_add = yield BuiltinFilters.get(line) for f in filters_to_add: print f.filter_string yield pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.add_filter(f) defer.returnValue(None) def filter_up(line): """ Remove the last applied filter Usage: filter_up """ pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.filter_up() def filter_clear(line): """ Reset the context so that it contains no filters (ignores scope) Usage: filter_clear """ pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.set_filters([]) def filter_list(line): """ Print the filters that make up the current context Usage: filter_list """ for f in pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.active_filters: print f.filter_string @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def scope_save(line): """ Set the scope to be the current context. Saved between launches Usage: scope_save """ pappyproxy.context.save_scope(pappyproxy.pappy.main_context) yield pappyproxy.context.store_scope(pappyproxy.http.dbpool) @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def scope_reset(line): """ Set the context to be the scope (view in-scope items) Usage: scope_reset """ yield pappyproxy.context.reset_to_scope(pappyproxy.pappy.main_context) @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def scope_delete(line): """ Delete the scope so that it contains all request/response pairs Usage: scope_delete """ pappyproxy.context.set_scope([]) yield pappyproxy.context.store_scope(pappyproxy.http.dbpool) def scope_list(line): """ Print the filters that make up the scope Usage: scope_list """ pappyproxy.context.print_scope() @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def filter_prune(line): """ Delete all out of context requests from the data file. CANNOT BE UNDONE!! Be careful! Usage: filter_prune """ # Delete filtered items from datafile print '' print 'Currently active filters:' for f in pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.active_filters: print '> %s' % f.filter_string # We copy so that we're not removing items from a set we're iterating over act_reqs = yield pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.get_reqs() inact_reqs = Request.cache.all_ids.difference(set(act_reqs)) inact_reqs = inact_reqs.difference(set(Request.cache.unmangled_ids)) message = 'This will delete %d/%d requests. You can NOT undo this!! Continue?' % (len(inact_reqs), (len(inact_reqs) + len(act_reqs))) if not confirm(message, 'n'): defer.returnValue(None) for reqid in inact_reqs: try: req = yield pappyproxy.http.Request.load_request(reqid) yield req.deep_delete() except PappyException as e: print e print 'Deleted %d requests' % len(inact_reqs) defer.returnValue(None) ############### ## Plugin hooks def load_cmds(cmd): cmd.set_cmds({ 'filter_prune': (filter_prune, None), 'scope_list': (scope_list, None), 'scope_delete': (scope_delete, None), 'scope_reset': (scope_reset, None), 'scope_save': (scope_save, None), 'filter_list': (filter_list, None), 'filter_clear': (filter_clear, None), 'filter_up': (filter_up, None), 'builtin_filter': (builtin_filter, complete_builtin_filter), 'filter': (filtercmd, None), }) cmd.add_aliases([ #('filter_prune', ''), ('scope_list', 'sls'), #('scope_delete', ''), ('scope_reset', 'sr'), #('scope_save', ''), ('filter_list', 'fls'), ('filter_clear', 'fc'), ('filter_up', 'fu'), ('builtin_filter', 'fbi'), ('filter', 'f'), ('filter', 'fl'), ])