import crochet import datetime import pappyproxy import shlex from pappyproxy.console import load_reqlist, print_table, print_requests from pappyproxy.util import PappyException from pappyproxy.plugin import main_context from pappyproxy.http import Request from twisted.internet import defer ################### ## Helper functions def view_full_message(request, headers_only=False): if headers_only: print request.headers_section_pretty else: print request.full_message_pretty def print_request_extended(request): # Prints extended info for the request title = "Request Info (reqid=%s)" % request.reqid print title print '-'*len(title) reqlen = len(request.body) reqlen = '%d bytes' % reqlen rsplen = 'No response' mangle_str = 'Nothing mangled' if request.unmangled: mangle_str = 'Request' if request.response: response_code = str(request.response.response_code) + \ ' ' + request.response.response_text rsplen = len(request.response.body) rsplen = '%d bytes' % rsplen if request.response.unmangled: if mangle_str == 'Nothing mangled': mangle_str = 'Response' else: mangle_str += ' and Response' else: response_code = '' time_str = '--' if request.time_start and request.time_end: time_delt = request.time_end - request.time_start time_str = "%.2f sec" % time_delt.total_seconds() if request.is_ssl: is_ssl = 'YES' else: is_ssl = 'NO' if request.time_start: time_made_str = request.time_start.strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p') else: time_made_str = '--' print 'Made on %s' % time_made_str print 'ID: %s' % request.reqid print 'Verb: %s' % request.verb print 'Host: %s' % print 'Path: %s' % request.full_path print 'Status Code: %s' % response_code print 'Request Length: %s' % reqlen print 'Response Length: %s' % rsplen if request.response and request.response.unmangled: print 'Unmangled Response Length: %s bytes' % len(request.response.unmangled.full_response) print 'Time: %s' % time_str print 'Port: %s' % request.port print 'SSL: %s' % is_ssl print 'Mangled: %s' % mangle_str print 'Tags: %s' % (', '.join(request.tags)) if request.plugin_data: print 'Plugin Data: %s' % (request.plugin_data) def get_site_map(reqs): # Takes in a list of requests and returns a tree representing the site map paths_set = set() for req in reqs: paths_set.add(req.path_tuple) paths = sorted(list(paths_set)) return paths def print_tree(tree): # Prints a tree. Takes in a sorted list of path tuples _print_tree_helper(tree, 0, []) def _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, last): if depth == 0: return u'' else: ret = u'' pb = print_bars + [True] for i in range(depth): if pb[i]: ret += u'\u2502 ' else: ret += u' ' if last: ret += u'\u2514\u2500\u2500 ' else: ret += u'\u251c\u2500\u2500 ' return ret def _print_tree_helper(tree, depth, print_bars): # Takes in a tree and prints it at the given depth if tree == [] or tree == [()]: return while tree[0] == (): tree = tree[1:] if tree == [] or tree == [()]: return if len(tree) == 1 and len(tree[0]) == 1: print _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars + [False], True) + tree[0][0] return curkey = tree[0][0] subtree = [] for row in tree: if row[0] != curkey: if curkey == '': curkey = '/' print _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, False) + curkey if depth == 0: _print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [False]) else: _print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [True]) curkey = row[0] subtree = [] subtree.append(row[1:]) if curkey == '': curkey = '/' print _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, True) + curkey _print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [False]) #################### ## Command functions def list_reqs(line): """ List the most recent in-context requests. By default shows the most recent 25 Usage: list [a|num] If `a` is given, all the in-context requests are shown. If a number is given, that many requests will be shown. """ args = shlex.split(line) if len(args) > 0: if args[0][0].lower() == 'a': print_count = -1 else: try: print_count = int(args[0]) except: print "Please enter a valid argument for list" return else: print_count = 25 def key_reqtime(req): if req.time_start is None: return -1 else: return (req.time_start-datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() to_print = sorted(main_context().active_requests, key=key_reqtime, reverse=True) if print_count > 0: to_print = to_print[:print_count] print_requests(to_print) @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def view_request_info(line): """ View information about request Usage: view_request_info [u] If 'u' is given as an additional argument, the unmangled version of the request will be displayed. """ args = shlex.split(line) reqids = args[0] reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqids) for req in reqs: print '' print_request_extended(req) print '' @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def view_request_headers(line): """ View the headers of the request Usage: view_request_headers [u] If 'u' is given as an additional argument, the unmangled version of the request will be displayed. """ args = shlex.split(line) reqid = args[0] reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqid) for req in reqs: if len(reqs) > 1: print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid print '' view_full_message(req, True) if len(reqs) > 1: print '-'*30 @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def view_full_request(line): """ View the full data of the request Usage: view_full_request [u] If 'u' is given as an additional argument, the unmangled version of the request will be displayed. """ args = shlex.split(line) reqid = args[0] reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqid) for req in reqs: if len(reqs) > 1: print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid print '' view_full_message(req) if len(reqs) > 1: print '-'*30 @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def view_response_headers(line): """ View the headers of the response Usage: view_response_headers """ reqs = yield load_reqlist(line) for req in reqs: if req.response: if len(reqs) > 1: print '-'*15 + (' %s ' % req.reqid) + '-'*15 view_full_message(req.response, True) else: print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def view_full_response(line): """ View the full data of the response associated with a request Usage: view_full_response """ reqs = yield load_reqlist(line) for req in reqs: if req.response: if len(reqs) > 1: print '-'*15 + (' %s ' % req.reqid) + '-'*15 view_full_message(req.response) else: print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def dump_response(line): """ Dump the data of the response to a file. Usage: dump_response """ # dump the data of a response args = shlex.split(line) reqid = args[0] req = yield Request.load_request(reqid) rsp = req.response if len(args) >= 2: fname = args[1] else: fname = req.path.split('/')[-1] with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(rsp.body) print 'Response data written to %s' % fname def site_map(line): """ Print the site map. Only includes requests in the current context. Usage: site_map """ to_print = [r for r in main_context().active_requests if not r.response or r.response.response_code != 404] tree = get_site_map(to_print) print_tree(tree) ############### ## Plugin hooks def load_cmds(cmd): cmd.set_cmds({ 'list': (list_reqs, None), 'view_request_info': (view_request_info, None), 'view_request_headers': (view_request_headers, None), 'view_full_request': (view_full_request, None), 'view_response_headers': (view_response_headers, None), 'view_full_response': (view_full_response, None), 'site_map': (site_map, None), 'dump_response': (dump_response, None), }) cmd.add_aliases([ ('list', 'ls'), ('view_request_info', 'viq'), ('view_request_headers', 'vhq'), ('view_full_request', 'vfq'), ('view_response_headers', 'vhs'), ('site_map', 'sm'), ('view_full_response', 'vfs'), #('dump_response', 'dr'), ])