substitutions: hostname: heating-downstairs friendly_name: Heating Downstairs relay_on_action: turn_on wifi: use_address: packages: device: !include devices/sonoff-basic.yaml # Give the user a graphical control over the timeout # See: number: - name: "${friendly_name} Timeout" id: timeout_length platform: template # TODO: maybe it's a better UX to do this in hours and minutes and do the conversion in esphome unit_of_measurement: minutes min_value: 10 # Never want it on for more than 3 hours # 3*60 = 180 max_value: 180 initial_value: 60 step: 10 optimistic: true script: - id: turn_on then: - delay: !lambda 'return id(timeout_length).state * 60 * 1000;' - lambda: !lambda id(relay).turn_off();