#!/usr/bin/env bash DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" source "$DIR/common" # This is largely borrowed from: # https://git.sr.ht/~mil/sxmo-utils/tree/master/item/scripts/modem/sxmo_modemmonitor.sh # This is where sms messages will be stored usage(){ echo "checkSMS [options]" echo "Options:" echo " -h|--help Display this help text" echo " -m|--modem Specify a modem" echo " --dry-run Don't actually send the message" } mkdir -p "$SMS_DIR" dryrun="false" # Assume we want the first modem # can be overwritten by the -m option modem="$(mmcli -L | grep -oE 'Modem\/[0-9]+' | head -n 1 | cut -d'/' -f2)" # Read the options and set stuff while [[ $1 = -?* ]]; do case $1 in -h|--help) usage; exit;; -m|--modem) modem="$2"; shift ;; --dry-run) dryrun="true" ;; --) shift; break ;; *) die "invalid option: '$1'." ;; esac shift done # Get the ids of new texts ids="$( mmcli -m "$modem" --messaging-list-sms | grep -Eo '/SMS/[0-9]+ \(received\)' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+' )" count="$(echo "$ids" | deleteEmptyLines | wc -l)" [ "$count" -eq 0 ] && exit echo "$ids" | while read -r id; do # Get the details of the message details="$(mmcli -m "$modem" -s "$id" -K)" number="$(echo "$details" | grep "sms.content.number" | cut -d':' -f2- | trimWhitespace)" text="$(echo "$details" | grep "sms.content.text" | cut -d':' -f2- | trimWhitespace)" time="$(echo "$details" | grep "sms.properties.timestamp" | cut -d':' -f2- | trimWhitespace)" # Make a directory if necesary mkdir -p "$SMS_DIR/$number" log="$SMS_DIR/$number/sms.log" # Store the message in the log file echo "RECIEVED" echo "SENDER: $number" >> $log echo "TIME: $(date -d "$time")" >> $log echo "----" >> $log echo -e "$text" >> $log printf '\00\n' >> $log mmcli -m "$modem" --messaging-delete-sms="$id" done notify-send "$count new messages"