#!/bin/bash # Prints the number of commits between branches and a main branch (master by defaunt) mainBranch="${1-master}" for branch in $(git branch -a); do if [ "$branch" = "$mainBranch" ]; then continue; fi masterInFront=$(git log --oneline "$branch".."$mainBranch" | wc -l) branchInFront=$(git log --oneline "$mainBranch".."$branch" | wc -l) if [ "$masterInFront" = "0" ] && [ "$branchInFront" = "0" ]; then echo "$mainBranch and $branch are in sync" else echo "$mainBranch is $masterInFront commits in front of $branch" echo "$branch is $branchInFront commits in front of $mainBranch" fi echo "" done