" Reset " This resets all default settings sanitize tridactyllocal tridactylsync """"""""""""""""""""" " General Options " """"""""""""""""""""" colours dark set newtab about:blank set browser firefox-developer-edition set allowautofocus false set editorcmd $HOME/.bin/gnvim set smoothscroll true set newtabfocus page " Make Tridactyl work on more sites at the expense of some security "set csp clobber """""""""""" " Search " """""""""""" " Remove old search urls jsb Object.keys(tri.config.get("searchurls")).reduce((prev, u) => prev.then(_ => tri.config.set("searchurls", u, null)), Promise.resolve()) set searchengine ddg set searchurls.alternativeto https://alternativeto.net/browse/search/?q=%s set searchurls.ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=%s set searchurls.ddg https://duckduckgo.co.uk/?q=%s set searchurls.aur https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&K=%s set searchurls.aw https://wiki.archlinux.org/?search=%s set searchurls.gh https://github.com/search?q=%s set searchurls.wb https://web.archive.org/web/*/%s set searchurls.books https://b-ok.cc/s/%s set searchurls.cve https://www.cvedetails.com/cve-details.php?t=1&cve_id=%s set searchurls.cvep https://www.cvedetails.com/product-search.php?vendor_id=0&search=%s """""""""""""" " Commands " """""""""""""" command withUrl composite get_current_url | command openvid withUrl !s open-youtube command openvidLink composite hint -pipe a[href]:not([display="none"]):not([href=""]) href | !s open-youtube command testclickjacking withUrl !s $HOME/.config/tridactyl/scripts/clickjacking | nativeopen command hint_focus hint -; command wayback composite get_current_url | tabopen wb command autodark js document.body.parentElement.classList.toggle("auto-dark") """"""""""" " Binds " """"""""""" " " Ctrl-F should use the browser's native 'find' functionality. unbind bind / fillcmdline find bind ? fillcmdline find -? bind n findnext 1 bind N findnext -1 bind ; fillcmdline_notrail bind y openvid bind Y openvidLink " Git{Hub,Lab} git clone via SSH yank bind g composite js "git clone " + document.location.href | clipboard yank bind G composite js "git clone " + document.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\//,"git@").replace("/",":").replace(/$/,".git") | clipboard yank bind c composite hint_focus; !s xdotool key Menu " Makes link hints only hint links on duck duck go bindurl ^https://duckduckgo.com f hint -Jc [class=result__a] bindurl ^https://duckduckgo.com F hint -Jbc [class=result__a] autocmd DocStart .*github\.com.* zoom 150 autocmd DocStart .*gitlab\.com.* zoom 150 autocmd DocStart .*archlinux\.org.* zoom 150