export LANG="en_GB.UTF-8" export TERMINAL=/usr/bin/termite export TERM=xterm-256color export PATH=~/.bin:$PATH:/opt/lampp/bin:. export EDITOR='vim' export CDPATH=.:~:~/Sites #Ruby things GEM_HOME=$(ls -t -U | ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir') GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME export PATH=$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin export GEM_HOME=$(ruby -e 'print Gem.user_dir') echo -e "Please don't sabotage my computer while I'm away \n\nTo turn on the print server, run the command 'cups'\n\nTo update 3d party plugins, run command 'u3p'\n\nTo turn on my servers, run command 'sudo lampp start'" | /usr/bin/cowsay -f tux -W 80