#!/usr/bin/env bash # A little script to choose and play diffenent radio stations # Currently uses mpv to play the them # On first run it will download a list of radio stations # To update them run radio -u # Change this if you want the radio stations to be saved somewhere else LIST="$HOME/.local/share/radioStations" # Change this if you don't want to use mpv PLAY="mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket" function getRadioStations(){ echo "Updating radio stations" curl -s http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/pda/search.asp\?search\=+ |\ hq p data |\ grep 'href=' |\ sed -e 's/<\/\?font[^>]*>//g' |\ while read line; do name="$(echo $line | hq b text | head -n 1)" echo "$(echo $line | hq a data)" | while read stream; do url="$(echo $stream | hq a attr href)" quality="$(echo $stream | hq a text)" echo "$name $quality $url" done done > "$LIST" } function playStation(){ if [ ! -e "$LIST" ]; then getRadioStations fi echo -e "Name\tQuality\tURL" | cat - "$LIST" | fzf --header-lines=1 --delimiter="\t" --with-nth=1,2 --tabstop=30 --preview="echo {3}" --preview-window=top:1 | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs -r $PLAY } if [ -n "$1" ]; then while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in "-u"|"--update") getRadioStations exit ;; *) playStation esac done else playStation fi