function big-chromium () { chromium --force-device-scale-factor=$1 } function big-new-chromium () { chromium-snapshot-bin --force-device-scale-factor=$1 } #Swap two files function swap() { mv $1 $1._tmp; mv $2 $1; mv $1._tmp $2; } function old() { mv "$1" "$1.old" } function cdlc() { cd "$@" /home/jonathan/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/bin/colorls | tail -n +2 } alias cd="cdlc" #Takes you to the aquarius theme function aquarius() { public_html=${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then theme=$public_html/wp-content/themes if [ -d $theme ]; then cdlc $theme/aquarius else echo " Can't find theme folder " fi else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #Takes you to the child theme function theme() { public_html=${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then theme=$public_html/wp-content/themes if [ -d $theme ]; then child=$(ls -d $theme/*/ | grep -v "$theme\/aquarius" | grep -v "$theme\/twenty*" | grep -v "$theme\/barelycorporate" -m 1) cdlc $child else echo " Can't find theme folder " fi else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #Takes you to the plugin directory function plugins() { public_html=${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then plugins=$public_html/wp-content/plugins if [ -d $plugins ]; then cdlc $plugins else echo " Can't find plugins folder " fi else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #Takes you to the theme directory function themes() { public_html=${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then themes=$public_html/wp-content/themes if [ -d $themes ]; then cdlc $themes else echo " Can't find plugins folder " fi else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } ######################################## ## ## ## Search Functions ## ## ## ######################################## #These search functions use grep to search all sub-folders of the current working directory searchjs() { # This will search through .js and .es6 files but won't search minified files grep -r -i -n --color="always" --include=\*.{js,es6} --exclude=\*.min.js "$1" . } searchcss() { # This will search through .css and .less files but won't search minified files grep -r -i -n --color="always" --include=\*.{css,less,scss,sass} --exclude=\*.min.css "$1" . } searchphp() { grep -r -i -n --color="always" --include="*.php" "$1" . }