#!/usr/bin/bash # What should the initial commit be for a repo? # # Idea came after reading this blog post: https://blog.no-panic.at/2014/10/20/funny-initial-git-commit-messages/ commits=( "This is where it all begins..." "Commit committed" "Version control is awful" "COMMIT ALL THE FILES!" "The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world!" "Lock S-foils in attack position" "This commit is a lie" "I'll explain when you're older!" "Here be Dragons" "Reinventing the wheel. Again." "This is not the commit message you are looking for" "Batman! (this commit has no parents)" ) # Seed random generator RANDOM=$$$(date +%s) # Get random expression... selectedexpression=${commits[$RANDOM % ${#commits[@]} ]} # Write to Shell git commit -m "$selectedexpression"