#!/usr/bin/sh # This shows the most recent part news article in the arch news rss feed # Left-clicking will open the web page in the browser # Right clicking will dismiss the feed by putting the title in the ~/.archNewsDismiss file # Deleting / changing this file will un-dismiss the news item title=$(rsstail -u https://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/ -n 1 -1 | sed -e "s/^Title: //") dismissed="" if [ -f ~/.archNewsDismiss ]; then dismissed=$(head -n 1 ~/.archNewsDismiss) fi case $BLOCK_BUTTON in 1) url=$(rsstail -u https://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/ -l -n 1 -1 | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/^Link: //") case $( uname -s ) in Darwin) open=open;; MINGW*) open=start;; CYGWIN*) open=cygstart;; MSYS*) open="powershell.exe –NoProfile Start";; *) open=${BROWSER:-xdg-open};; esac $open $url > /dev/null ;; 3) echo $title > ~/.archNewsDismiss dismissed=$title esac if [ "$dismissed" != "$title" ]; then echo $title fi