#!/usr/bin/env bash # Requires: # * curl # * fzf # * viu # * jq ttyecho(){ # Same as echo but always to tty echo "$@" > /dev/tty } urlencodespecial() { # urlencode old_lc_collate=$LC_COLLATE LC_COLLATE=C local length="${#1}" for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do local c="${1:i:1}" case "$c" in [a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]) printf "$c" ;; ' ') printf "+" ;; *) printf '%%%02X' "'$c" ;; esac done LC_COLLATE=$old_lc_collate } forceread(){ # Read but always from tty and will keep asking until a non-empty value is # given # First param is given is prompt local answer="" local first="true" while [ -z "$answer" ]; do [ "$first" == "true" ] || ttyecho "Please provide an answer" first="false" ttyecho -n "$1: " read answer < /dev/tty done echo "$answer" } getSearchTerm(){ # Uses fzf to get a search term # It will filter suggestions using youtube's autocomplete export -f getSearchSuggestions export -f urlencodespecial echo "" | fzf --bind 'change:reload:bash -c "getSearchSuggestions {q}" || true' \ --header="Search Suggestions" \ --phony \ --height=50% --layout=reverse } getSearchSuggestions(){ # Takes a query and outputs the search suggestions that youtube makes query="$(urlencodespecial "$1")" curl "https://clients1.google.com/complete/search?client=youtube&hl=en&gl=gb&gs_rn=64&gs_ri=youtube&ds=yt&cp=5&gs_id=4e&q=$query&xhr=t&xssi=t" | tail -n 1 | jq -r '.[1][][0]' } performSearch(){ # Returns the json object yt gives us local raw="$1" local url="https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=$(urlencodespecial "$raw")" curl -s "$url" | hq script data | grep 'ytInitialData' | head -n 1 | grep -o '{.*}' } extractVideoInfo(){ jq '..|.videoRenderer?' | sed '/^null$/d' | jq -r '{title: .title.runs[0].text, channel: .longBylineText.runs[0].text, views: .shortViewCountText.simpleText, time: .lengthText.simpleText, age: .publishedTimeText.simpleText, video: .videoId }' } chooseVideo(){ (echo -e "Title\tChannel\tViews\tTime\tAge\tId" jq -r '[ .title, .channel, .views, .time, .age, .video ] | @tsv') | column -t -s" " | sed $'s/ \([^ ]\)/\u00a0\\1/g' | fzf --header-lines="1" --with-nth=1,2,3,4,5 --delimiter=$'\u00a0' } chooseQuality(){ videoId="$(cat - | awk -F $'\u00a0' '{print $6}')" code="$( ( echo "bb Best of Both" youtube-dl "$videoId" -F | sed -n '/format code/,$ p' | sed 1d; ) | fzf --prompt "Quality " -m | cut -d ' ' -f 1 )" code="$(echo "$code" | tr '\n' '+' | sed 's/+$//')" case "$code" in "bb") mpv "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$videoId" --ytdl-format="bestvideo+bestaudio" ;; *) mpv "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$videoId" --ytdl-format="$code" ;; esac } main(){ local searchTerm="$1" [ -z "$searchTerm" ] && searchTerm="$(getSearchTerm)" performSearch "$searchTerm" | extractVideoInfo | chooseVideo | chooseQuality } main "$@"