# This is the configuration file for your powerline-shell prompt
# Every time you make a change to this file, run install.py to apply changes
# For instructions on how to use the powerline-shell.py script, see the README

# Add, remove or rearrange these segments to customize what you see on the shell
# prompt. Any segment you add must be present in the segments/ directory

# Set the terminal window title to user@host:dir
#    'set_term_title',

# Show current virtual environment (see http://www.virtualenv.org/)

# Show the current user's username as in ordinary prompts

# Show the machine's hostname. Mostly used when ssh-ing into other machines

# Show a padlock when ssh-ing from another machine

# Show the current directory. If the path is too long, the middle part is
# replaced with ellipsis ('...')

# Show a padlock if the current user has no write access to the current
# directory

# Show the current git branch and status

# Show the current mercurial branch and status

# Show the current svn branch and status

# Show the current fossil branch and status

# Show number of running jobs

# Show the last command's exit code if it was non-zero
#    'exit_code',

# Shows a '#' if the current user is root, '$' otherwise
# Also, changes color if the last command exited with a non-zero error code

# Change the colors used to draw individual segments in your prompt
THEME = 'default'