#!/usr/bin/env bash file="$1" # Shift the attributes so we can ignore the filename easily shift if [ ! -n "$file" ]; then echo "You must provide an xml file" exit 1 fi json=$(php -r "echo json_encode(simplexml_load_file('$file'));" 2> /dev/null) if [[ "$json" == "false" ]]; then echo "Please provide a valid xml file" exit 1 fi function print_basic_info(){ echo $json | # Echo the full json file jq ' if ( .host | type ) == "object" then [ .host ] else .host end ' | # Get the hosts as an array (even if there is only one #jq '.[0]' jq '[ .[] | { address: .address."@attributes".addr, port: { tcp : (try ( [ .ports.port[] | select( ."@attributes".protocol == "tcp" ) | { port: ."@attributes".portid, service: .service."@attributes", } ] ) catch null ), udp : (try ( [ .ports.port[] | select( ."@attributes".protocol == "udp" ) | { port: ."@attributes".portid, service: .service."@attributes", } ] ) catch null ) } } ]' #.ports.port[] | [ . ] #| [select(."@attributes".protocol)] } if [ -n "$1" ] ; then case "$1" in -h|--help) #print_help exit 0 ;; basic) print_basic_info exit 0 ;; esac fi