sudo: true dist: trusty language: sh addons: apt: packages: - build-essential before_script: # Show the git version being used to test. - "git --version" # Show the zsh version being used to test. - "zsh --version" install: - "sudo apt-get update -qq" - "sudo apt-get install -y zsh" - "sudo chsh -s $(which zsh)" - "sudo apt-get install -y git mercurial subversion jq node golang ruby python python-virtualenv" script: - test/powerlevel9k.spec - test/functions/utilities.spec - test/functions/colors.spec - test/functions/icons.spec - test/segments/command_execution_time.spec - test/segments/dir.spec - test/segments/rust_version.spec - test/segments/go_version.spec - test/segments/vcs.spec