#!/usr/bin/env bash die(){ echo "$@" > /dev/stderr exit 1 } printhelp(){ echo "Nessus Compliance Filter" echo "This command should be given a nessus xml file on stdin" echo "Stdout will contain a tsv file for each compliance issue (not pass)" echo "Positional Arguments can be given and each will regex match the Check Name" echo "" echo "e.g." echo "cat example.nessus | nessusComplianceFilter \"^18.\" \"Defender\"" echo "will output a tsv containing all failures (or warnings) that start with '18.' and contain the word 'Defender'" exit 0 } type -p xq >/dev/null || die -e "You need to install xq\nhttps://github.com/kislyuk/yq" [ "$1" = "-h" ] && printhelp filters="" while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do filters="$filters | select( .\"cm:compliance-check-name\" | test(\"$1\"))" shift done echo "Compliance Check Compliance Result Current Expected" cat - | xq -r ".NessusClientData_v2.Report.ReportHost.ReportItem[] | select(.compliance == \"true\") | select(.\"cm:compliance-result\" != \"PASSED\") $filters | [.\"cm:compliance-check-name\", .\"cm:compliance-result\", .\"cm:compliance-actual-value\", .\"cm:compliance-policy-value\"] | @tsv" | sort -V