#!/bin/bash # i3 thread: https://faq.i3wm.org/question/150/how-to-launch-a-terminal-from-here/?answer=152#post-id-152 # I stole this from here: https://gist.github.com/viking/5851049 and modified it slightly CMD=$TERMINAL CWD='' # Get window ID ID=$(xdpyinfo | grep focus | cut -f4 -d " ") # Get PID of process whose window this is PID=$(xprop -id $ID | grep -m 1 PID | cut -d " " -f 3) # Get last child process (shell, vim, etc) if [ -n "$PID" ]; then TREE=$(pstree -lpA $PID | tail -n 1) PID=$(echo $TREE | awk -F'---' '{print $NF}' | sed -re 's/[^0-9]//g') # If we find the working directory, run the command in that directory if [ -e "/proc/$PID/cwd" ]; then CWD=$(readlink /proc/$PID/cwd) fi fi if [ -n "$CWD" ]; then cd "$CWD" && $CMD else $CMD fi