#!/usr/bin/env bash function print_help(){ echo -e "hosts\t\tManages hosts in the yaml file" } function listhosts(){ local current="$(project current --path)" index="$current/index.yaml" if [ ! -f "$index" ]; then echo "No index file" exit 1 fi if [ $(yq -r '.hosts | length ' "$index" ) -gt 0 ]; then yq -r '.hosts[] | [.name, .ip, .domain, .description] | join(",")' "$index" else echo "No hosts in index file" exit 1 fi } function get_hosts(){ local current="$(project current --path)" index="$current/index.yaml" if [ ! -f "$index" ]; then echo "" exit 0 fi if [ $(yq -r '.hosts | length ' "$index" ) -gt 0 ]; then yq -r '.hosts[]| select(.domain) | [.ip, .domain ] | join(",,")' "$index" | tr ',' '\t' else echo "" exit 0 fi } function host_file(){ sed '/# Project specific hosts/,$ d' /etc/hosts > /tmp/newhosts cat /tmp/newhosts > /etc/hosts rm /tmp/newhosts local current="$(project current --path)" if [ -n "$current" ]; then ( echo "# Project specific hosts - Everything after this line will be deleted when the project is changed" get_hosts ) >> /etc/hosts fi } function getip(){ local current="$(project current --path)" index="$current/index.yaml" case "$1" in --fzf) ip=$( listhosts | fzf --no-preview | cut -d',' -f2) ;; --dmenu) ip=$( listhosts | dmenu | cut -d',' -f2) echo "$ip" | xclip -selection primary echo "$ip" | xclip -selection clipboard ;; --rofi) ip=$( listhosts | rofi -dmenu | cut -d',' -f2) echo "$ip" | xclip -selection primary echo "$ip" | xclip -selection clipboard ;; *) ip=$( listhosts | fzf --no-preview | cut -d',' -f2) ;; esac echo $ip } function addip(){ local current="$(project current --path)" index="$current/index.yaml" echo -n "Name: " read name < /dev/tty echo -n "Domain: " read domain < /dev/tty echo -n "IP: " read ip < /dev/tty echo -n "Description: " read description < /dev/tty local host='{}' if [ -n "$name" ]; then host="$(echo $host | jq ".name=\"$name\"" )" fi if [ -n "$domain" ]; then host="$(echo $host | jq ".domain=\"$domain\"" )" fi if [ -n "$ip" ]; then host="$(echo $host | jq ".ip=\"$ip\"" )" fi if [ -n "$description" ]; then host="$(echo $host | jq ".description=\"$description\"" )" fi echo $host yq --yaml-output ".hosts |= .+ [$host]" "$index" > newindex rm "$index" mv newindex "$index" host_file } case "$1" in -h|--help) print_help | column -t -s" " exit 0 ;; --parent-help) print_help exit 0 ;; list) listhosts ;; hosts_file) shift host_file "$@" ;; ip) getip ;; add) addip ;; esac