#!/usr/bin/env bash function print_help(){ echo -e "copy [..]\t\tCopies files to a target in the project" echo -e "\t--target \tCopy files to a target directory in the project" echo -e "\t--bin\tShortcut to copy to bin folder (inside \$PATH)" echo -e "\t--www\tShortcut to copy to the www directory" } function copy(){ local current="$(get_current --path)" local target="$1" shift local files="$@" local destination= "$current/$target" if [[ "$target" == "--NONE" ]]; then local destination= "$current/" fi if [[ -n "$destination" ]]; then mkdir -p "$destination" cp -r "$files" "$destination" fi } if [ -n "$1" ]; then case "$1" in -h|--help) print_help | column -t -s" " exit 0 ;; --parent-help) print_help exit 0 ;; --target) target="$2" shift shift copy "$target" "$@" exit 0 ;; --www) shift copy "www" "$@" exit 0 ;; --bin) shift copy "bin" "$@" exit 0 ;; *) copy "--NONE" "$@" exit 0 ;; esac else read_prompt | xargs project-new fi