#!/usr/bin/env bash # make xclip work as I would expect. Copy to clipboard if piped data. Paste from otherwise function clip(){ if type -p /usr/bin/xclip >/dev/null; then if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]] ; then # stdin is a pipe # stdin -> clipboard /usr/bin/xclip -i -selection clipboard else # stdin is not a pipe # clipboard -> stdout /usr/bin/xclip -o -selection clipboard fi else echo "Remember to install xclip" fi } #Swap two files function swap() { [ -e "$1._tmp" ] && return mv "$1" "$1._tmp" mv "$2" "$1" mv "$1._tmp" "$2" } # Add old extention function old() { for file in "$@"; do mv "$file" "$file.old" done } # Cd that does what I normally want function cd() { # Try a normal cd builtin cd "$@" 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then # If we get here cd was successful so do a ls ls else # If we get here, cd was not successful if [ -f "$1" ]; then # If there is a file there, try and open it in vim # ToDo: smarter open so it will open in zathura if it's a pdf for # example $EDITOR "$1" else # Otherwise fail clearly echo "Can't cd" fi fi #updatePath } # Make a folder then cd into it function mkcd() { mkdir -p "$1" cd "$1" } # Adds sub folders in by .bin directory to the PATH if they are not already in it # Also adds .bin to the path adjacent to any public_html folder function updatePath(){ # Reset the path PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed -E "s/:\/home\/jonathan\/\.bin\/.*//g") for d in ~/.bin/*/; do if [[ :$PATH: != *:"$d":* ]] ; then PATH+=":$d" fi done public_html=${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then PATH+=":${PWD%/public_html*}/.bin" fi } function reset_colourscheme(){ if [ -L $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/current-color-scheme ]; then source $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/current-color-scheme fi exit 2 } # If running ssh interactively (not tab completion) change the colour scheme function ssh(){ if [[ -t 0 ]]; then if [ -L $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/ssh-color-scheme ]; then source $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/ssh-color-scheme trap "reset_colourscheme" 2 fi fi command /usr/bin/ssh "$@" if [[ -t 0 ]]; then if [ -L $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/current-color-scheme ]; then source $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/current-color-scheme fi fi } # Turn on a proxy # Note that this is not fool proof. It is up to applications to check the # environment variables function proxy_on() { export no_proxy="localhost,,localaddress,.localdomain.com" if (( $# > 0 )); then valid=$(echo $@ | sed -n 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}.\?\)\{4\}:\([0-9]\+\)/&/p') if [[ $valid != $@ ]]; then >&2 echo "Invalid address" return 1 fi local proxy=$1 export http_proxy="$proxy" \ HTTP_PROXY="$proxy" \ https_proxy="$proxy" \ HTTPS_PROXY="$proxy" \ ftp_proxy="$proxy" \ FTP_PROXY="$proxy" \ rsync_proxy="$proxy" \ RSYNC_PROXY="$proxy" echo "Proxy environment variable set." return 0 fi echo -n "username: "; read username if [[ $username != "" ]]; then echo -n "password: " read -es password local pre="$username:$password@" fi echo -n "server: "; read server echo -n "port: "; read port local proxy=$pre$server:$port export http_proxy="$proxy" \ https_proxy=$proxy \ ftp_proxy=$proxy \ rsync_proxy=$proxy \ HTTP_PROXY=$proxy \ HTTPS_PROXY=$proxy \ FTP_PROXY=$proxy \ RSYNC_PROXY=$proxy } function proxy_off(){ unset http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy rsync_proxy \ HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY FTP_PROXY RSYNC_PROXY echo -e "Proxy environment variable removed." } # Sanity check for dd function dd(){ local drive="$(echo "$@" | grep -oE 'of=[^ ]+' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)" if [ -n "$drive" ]; then if mount | grep -q "$drive"; then echo "It looks like that's mounted, probably not the drive you're after" echo "If you are sure, run /usr/bin/dd ..." return 1 fi fi /usr/bin/dd "$@" } # Man without options will use fzf to select a page function man(){ MAN="/usr/bin/man" if [ -n "$1" ]; then $MAN "$@" return $? else $MAN -k . | fzf --reverse --preview="echo {1,2} | sed 's/ (/./' | sed -E 's/\)\s*$//' | xargs $MAN" | awk '{print $1 "." $2}' | tr -d '()' | xargs -r $MAN return $? fi } # ####################### # Wordpress Helpers # ####################### #Takes you to the parent theme function ptheme() { public_html=${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then if [ -d $public_html/wp ]; then wpPath=$public_html/wp; else wpPath=$public_html; fi domain="$(basename $(dirname $public_html ) ).local.jh" theme=$(dirname $(wp --path="$wpPath" --url="$domain" theme path $(wp --path="$wpPath" --url="$domain" theme list 2> /dev/null | grep "parent" | awk '{print $1}') 2> /dev/null )) if [ -d $theme ]; then if [ -d "$theme" ]; then cd $theme else echo " Can't find theme folder " fi else echo " Can't find theme folder " fi else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #Takes you to the child theme function theme() { if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then ctheme=$(getthemepath "$1" 2> /dev/null) else ctheme=$(getthemepath 2> /dev/null) fi if [ ! -z "$ctheme" ]; then cd $ctheme fi } #Takes you to the js folder child theme function js() { ctheme=$(getthemepath) if [ ! -z "$ctheme" ]; then cd $ctheme/js fi } #Takes you to the css folder child theme function css() { ctheme=$(getthemepath) if [ ! -z "$ctheme" ]; then cd $ctheme/css fi } #Takes you to the plugin directory function plugins() { public_html=${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then if [ -d $public_html/wp ]; then wpPath=$public_html/wp; else wpPath=$public_html; fi cd $(wp --path="$wpPath" plugin path) else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #Takes you to the woocommece plugin directory function woo() { public_html=${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then if [ -d $public_html/wp ]; then wpPath=$public_html/wp; else wpPath=$public_html; fi cd $(dirname $(wp --path="$wpPath" plugin path woocommerce)) else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #Takes you to the woocommerce templates plugin directory function wooTemplates() { public_html=${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then if [ -d $public_html/wp ]; then wpPath=$public_html/wp; else wpPath=$public_html; fi cd $(dirname $(wp --path="$wpPath" plugin path woocommerce))/templates else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #Takes you to the theme directory function themes() { public_html=${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then if [ -d $public_html/wp ]; then wpPath=$public_html/wp; else wpPath=$public_html; fi cd $(wp --path="$wpPath" theme path) else echo " Can't find public_html folder." fi } #function todo() { # wikidir=${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/wiki # if [ -d "$wikidir" ]; then # $EDITOR "$wikidir/ToDo.md" # fi #} #This function toggles debug in wp-config function debugToggle(){ public_html=${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html if [ -d $public_html ]; then current=$(egrep "'WP_DEBUG'" "$public_html/wp-config.php" | egrep -o "(true|false)") [[ $current == true ]] && newvalue=false || newvalue=true sed -i "s/'WP_DEBUG'.*/'WP_DEBUG', $newvalue\)\;/g" "$public_html/wp-config.php" echo "WP_DEBUG is now $newvalue"; fi } function cat(){ local grcConfigs="$HOME/.config/grc/" if ! type -p bat > /dev/null; then /usr/bin/cat "$@" return $? fi if [ -d "$1" ]; then l "$1" elif [ -f "$1" ]; then local ext="${1##*.}" if [ -f "${grcConfigs}conf.${ext}" ]; then /usr/bin/cat "$1" | /usr/bin/grcat "${grcConfigs}conf.${ext}" | /usr/bin/bat --file-name "$1" else /usr/bin/bat "$@" fi else /usr/bin/bat "$@" fi } # These functions extend httpie in order to add an X-XSRF-TOKEN header based on the value of a cookie. http-xsrf(){ sessionfile="$(echo "$*" | grep -Eo -- '--session[= ][^ ]*' | sed 's/^--session[= ]//')" cookie="$(jq -r '.cookies."XSRF-TOKEN".value' "$sessionfile")" http "$@" "X-XSRF-TOKEN:$cookie" } https-xsrf(){ sessionfile="$(echo "$*" | grep -Eo -- '--session[= ][^ ]*' | sed 's/^--session[= ]//')" cookie="$(jq -r '.cookies."XSRF-TOKEN".value' "$sessionfile")" https "$@" "X-XSRF-TOKEN:$cookie" }