#!/usr/bin/env bash ########################## # Add flags by default # ########################## #Always make all directories necesary alias mkdir='mkdir -p' # Make qmv open on 1 column mode alias qmv='qmv -f do' #An alias for my standard less configuration I don't set it to lessc because #sometimes I don't use this config and I always forget how to ignore an alias #alias myless='lessc --clean-css #--source-map-basepath=/home/jonathan/Sites/charts/public_html --source-map #--autoprefix="last 3 versions, ie >= 9" styles.less styles.min.css' alias myless='lessc --clean-css --source-map --autoprefix="last 3 versions, ie >= 11" styles.less styles.min.css' # Always make grep ouput color alias grep="grep --color=auto" #Make the cal command default to start on Sunday alias cal='cal -s' # Use the config files I want alias mbsync="mbsync -c \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/isync/mbsyncrc.secret\"" alias imapfilter="imapfilter -c \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/imapfilter/config.lua\"" # Makes rem output color by default alias rem="rem -@ -gaadd" # Make df show human readable format alias df="df -h" #################### # Path Shortcuts # #################### # Shortcuts to sites folder alias sites="cd ~/Sites" alias s="cd ~/Sites" # Shortcuts to documents folder alias documents="cd ~/Documents/" alias d="cd ~/Documents/" # Shortcuts to hack the box folder alias htb="cd ~/Documents/htb/" # Shortcuts to documents folder alias db="cd ~/Dropbox/" # Shortcuts to home folder alias home="cd ~/" alias ~="cd ~/" # Go to my .vim folder alias .v='cd ~/.vim/' # Got to my dotfiles folder alias .f='cd ~/.dotfiles' # Edit my vimrc alias vrc='$EDITOR ~/.dotfiles/vim/.vim/vimrc' #################### # Radio Stations # #################### #Radio Stations AUDIO="mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket" alias radio2="$AUDIO http://a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio/simulcast/hls/uk/sbr_med/llnw/bbc_radio_two.m3u8" alias radio4="$AUDIO http://a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio/simulcast/hls/uk/sbr_med/llnw/bbc_radio_fourfm.m3u8" alias classic="$AUDIO http://icy-e-bab-04-cr.sharp-stream.com/absoluteradio.mp3" alias absolute="$AUDIO 'http://network.absoluteradio.co.uk/core/audio/mp3/live.pls?service=vrbb'" alias magic="$AUDIO 'http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/bauer.pls?station=magicnational.mp3.m3u'" ########## # sudo # ########## # # Not sure why and how but this makes sudo work with my aliases alias sudo='sudo ' # Being in the docker group is essentually being root so use sudo instead # https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/9976 alias docker="sudo docker" alias docker-compose="sudo docker-compose" ################### # Upgrade tools # ################### # This section is for tools that replace common tools # I only do this if the flag syntax is the same of very similar # If exa is available, alias ls to exa, otherwise alias to ls with colour and # indicators type -p exa > /dev/null && alias ls="exa -F" || alias ls='ls -F --color=auto' type -p exa > /dev/null && alias l="exa -lahg --git --grid" || alias l="ls -lah" # Make tree add indicators and color # If exa is available, use it instead type -p exa > /dev/null && alias tree="exa -FT" || alias tree='tree -F -C' # Alias cat to bat if it's available #type -p bat > /dev/null && alias cat="bat" # This has been moved into a function # If nvim is available, alias vim to neovim type -p nvim > /dev/null && alias vim="nvim" type -p nvim > /dev/null && alias vimdiff="nvim -d" # Trash instead of rm type -p rmtrash > /dev/null && alias rm="rmtrash" type -p rmdirtrash > /dev/null && alias rmdir="rmdirtrash" # Use sc-im instead of sc type -p sc-im > /dev/null && alias sc="sc-im" # These don't have the same syntax but I want to be reminded of the better # versions type -p mycli > /dev/null && alias mysql="echo \"You might want to use mycli instead\"; /usr/bin/mysql" type -p pgcli > /dev/null && alias postgres="echo \"You might want to use pgcli instead\"; /usr/bin/postgres" type -p ncdu > /dev/null && alias du="echo \"You might want to use ncdu instead\"; /usr/bin/du" # These are the gnu coreutils mv and cp with a progress bar patched in type -p mvg > /dev/null && alias mv="mvg -g" type -p cpg > /dev/null && alias cp="cpg --progress-bar" # If enum4linux-ng is available, use that instead type -p enum4linux-ng > /dev/null && alias enum4linux="enum4linux-ng" # msfdb-blackarch works better than msfdb type -p msfdb-blackarch > /dev/null && alias msfdb="msfdb-blackarch" ################### # Git Shortcuts # ################### alias status='git status ' alias st='git status' alias checkout='git checkout' alias ch='git checkout' alias push='git push ' alias pull='git pull ' alias bb='git open' alias merge='git merge' alias mg='git merge' alias switch='git switch' alias sw='git switch' ####################### # typos / shortcuts # ####################### alias vim="nvim" alias cim="nvim" alias vom="nvim" alias vin="nvim" alias vi="nvim" alias v="nvim" alias cls="clear" #Clear terminal and try to get moon phase. If it takes longer than .5 seconds then it will show neofetch #alias cls='clear; timeout 0.5s weather moon || neofetch' # Quit the terminal using :q (The same as Vi/Vim) alias :q='exit;' alias q='exit;' alias rnc="resize-netcat-listener -r $HOME/go/src/resize-nc-listener/examples/stty-resize-copy" alias wingcc='x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc' alias r="fzf-remind" ################ # Pentesting # ################ # Start postgres for msfconsole # In time, use docker instead #alias msfconsole="( systemctl status --no-pager postgresql.service > /dev/null || (echo \"Statring postgres\"; sudo systemctl start postgresql.service) ); ( pass show system/metasploit/database.yaml > database.yaml; sudo msfconsole -y database.yaml; rm database.yaml )" alias ss="tail -n +2 /usr/share/exploitdb/files_exploits.csv | awk -F ',' '{print \$2 \"\t\" \$3 \"\t(\" \$1 \")\"}' | fzf --preview-window=up --preview='echo {} | cut -d\" \" -f1 | xargs echo \"/usr/share/exploitdb/\" | tr -d \" \" | xargs bat --color=always' | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -d \"()\" | xargs searchsploit -m" ARMORY="$HOME/GitRepos/armoury" alias surecheckImport="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar $ARMORY/host_build_reviews/windows/SurecheckImport/SurecheckImport_v0.2.jar " alias rot13="tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'" # These aliases are related to projects # Make sqlmap put output in the current project folder alias sqlmap="[ -L ~/Projects/current ] && sqlmap --output-dir=\"~/Projects/current/sqlmap\"" # Cd into the current project alias pp="[ -L ~/Projects/current ] && cd \"\$(readlink ~/Projects/current)\" || cd ~/Projects" # Automatically switch project based on current location alias pa="project switch --auto" # Change project using fzf alias pc="project switch --fzf" # Create a new project alias pn="project new" alias snmp-check="/usr/bin/snmpcheck-nothink" alias 7egpg="gpg --options ~/.gnupg/7egpg.conf --keyring=7e.gpg" if [ -f "$HOME/GitRepos/openssl-weak/openssl-1.0.2-chacha/apps/openssl" ]; then alias weakopenssl="$HOME/GitRepos/openssl-weak/openssl-1.0.2-chacha/apps/openssl" alias testssl="testssl --openssl=\"$HOME/GitRepos/openssl-weak/openssl-1.0.2-chacha/apps/openssl\"" alias verifySSL="verifySSL --openssl \"$HOME/GitRepos/openssl-weak/openssl-1.0.2-chacha/apps/openssl\"" fi ############## # Keyboard # ############## # Keyboard - reset # Sometimes, if I turn the screens off, the keyboard resets itself to defaults. Not sure why but this will put my keyboard back to how I like it #alias kb="xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap; xset r rate 200 70; xcape" alias keys="setxkbmap -layout gb -variant colemak -option shift:both_capslock -option compose:ralt; xset r rate 200 70; xinput --list | grep -Ei 'ErgoDox EZ Glow\s+id' | grep -oE 'id=[0-9]+' | cut -d'=' -f2 | xargs -r setxkbmap -layout gb -device" alias colemak="setxkbmap -layout gb,gb -variant \"colemak,\" -option grp:shifts_toggle" alias qwerty="setxkbmap -layout gb" ################# # Web Searches # ################# alias ws="websearch" alias aw="websearch aw" alias wiki="websearch wiki" alias aur="websearch aur" alias ddg="BROWSER=\"w3m\" ddgr" # ############# # Web Dev # ############# # These alow me to easily set the file and folder permissions for a wordpress instilation. alias folder-perms='find . -type d -not -path "./.git/*" -not -path "./.git" -not -path "./node_modules/*" -not -path "./node_modules" -not -perm 775 -exec chmod 775 {} \;' alias file-perms='find . -type f -not -path "./.git/*" -not -path "./.git" -not -path "./node_modules/*" -not -path "./node_modules" -not -perm 664 -exec chmod 664 {} \;' alias wp-perms='folder-perms; file-perms' # Same for Magento alias magentoPerms='cd ${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html;sudo chown -R jonathan:http .; folder-perms; file-perms; chmod +x bin/*; cd -' alias magentoUpgr='magento setup:upgrade && magento setup:di:compile && magentoPerms' # Shortcut for rewriting wp permalinks alias perms='wp rewrite flush' #Goes up to the public_html folder alias ph='cd ${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/public_html' alias wiki='cd ${${PWD%/public_html*}%/wiki*}/wiki' #Edit wp-config.php using $EDITOR alias wpconf='$EDITOR ${PWD%/public_html*}/public_html/wp-config.php' ########## # Misc # ########## #Start cups alias cups='sudo systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service' # moon phase alias moonphase='weather moon' #audiable to mp3 alias aa2mp3='ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(for f in *.aa; do echo "file '"'"'$(pwd)/$f'"'"'";done) output.mp3' # Updates time using ntp alias updateTime="sudo ntpd -qg" alias globalip="drill myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com | sed -n '/ANSWER SECTION/,/AUTHORITY SECTION/ p' | sed -n '2 p' | awk '{print \$5}'" alias chrome-curl="node $HOME/GitRepos/chrome-curl/index.js" # Plays a youtube video or playlist - audio only alias ytaudio='mpv --ytdl-format="bestaudio"' alias asciicast2gif='docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data asciinema/asciicast2gif' alias anboxPrepare='sudo modprobe -a binder && sudo mkdir /dev/binderfs && sudo chmod 755 /dev/binderfs && sudo mount -t binder none /dev/binderfs && mount | grep binderfs && sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd anbox-container-manager' if type grc > /dev/null 2>&1; then for cmd in "nmap" "ping" "traceroute" "mount" "netstat" "ps" "dig" "du" "df" "ip" "iptables" "lsblk" "id" "free" "tcpdump" "uptime" "showmount" "whois" ; do if type -p "$cmd" > /dev/null; then alias "$cmd"="grc $(whence $cmd)" alias "${cmd}c"="grc --colour=on $(whence $cmd)" fi done fi alias stripAnsi='sed -E '"'"'s/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[JKmsu]//g'"'"