#include #include #include #define ANSI_COLOR_RED "\x1b[31m" #define ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\x1b[0m" typedef struct { unsigned int value; bool marked; } Cell; typedef struct { Cell cells[5][5]; } Grid; unsigned int getEmptyLines(FILE *fp){ char line[500]; unsigned int emptyLines = 0; while (!feof (fp)){ fgets(line, 500, fp); //Length of 1 because it's a new line character only if ( strlen(line) == 1 ) emptyLines ++; } return emptyLines; } //fp should be pointing to the start of the file as rounds are the first line unsigned int countRounds(FILE *fp){ unsigned int rounds=0; char ch = fgetc(fp); while ( ch != EOF ){ switch (ch){ case ',': rounds++; break; case '\n': rounds++; return rounds; break; } ch = fgetc(fp); } return rounds; } void printGrid(Grid *grid){ for ( unsigned int row = 0; row < 5; row++ ){ for ( unsigned int col = 0; col < 5; col++ ){ if ( grid->cells[row][col].marked ) printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED); printf("%3i", grid->cells[row][col].value); if ( grid->cells[row][col].marked ) printf(ANSI_COLOR_RESET); } printf("\n"); } } void printAllGrids(Grid grids[], unsigned int no){ for( unsigned int i = 0; icells[row][col].marked ) sum += grid->cells[row][col].value; } } return sum; } unsigned int countWon( bool *wonGrids, unsigned int gridCount ){ unsigned int won = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < gridCount; i++ ) if( wonGrids[i] ) won++; return won; } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){ if( argc == 2 ) { FILE *fp=fopen(argv[1], "r"); //The number of empty linse is the same as the number of grids unsigned int gridCount = getEmptyLines(fp); rewind(fp); Grid grids[gridCount]; bool wonGrids[gridCount]; memset( &wonGrids, 0, gridCount*sizeof(bool) ); unsigned int rounds = countRounds(fp); int draws[rounds]; memset( &draws, 0, rounds*sizeof(int) ); rewind(fp); char ch; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rounds; i++ ){ fscanf(fp, "%i%c,", &draws[i], &ch); } // Put all the numbers into the grid array unsigned int no; unsigned int grid = 0, row = 0, col = 0; while ( !feof(fp) && fscanf(fp, "%i", &no) ){ grids[grid].cells[row][col].value = no; grids[grid].cells[row][col].marked = false; col = (col + 1) % 5; if ( col == 0 ) row = (row + 1) % 5; if ( col == 0 && row == 0 ) grid++; } //Start playing the game bool allwon=false; for (unsigned int round = 0; round < rounds; round++){ for( unsigned int grid = 0; grid < gridCount; grid++ ){ for( unsigned int row = 0; row < 5; row++ ){ for( unsigned int col = 0; col < 5; col++ ){ if ( grids[grid].cells[row][col].value == draws[round] ){ grids[grid].cells[row][col].marked = true; //If we are above round 4, it's possible to have won if ( round > 4 ){ bool maybebingorow=true; bool maybebingocol=true; // As soon as neither row or column is bingo, stop cheking for (unsigned int i = 0; ( maybebingocol || maybebingorow ) && i < 5; i++){ // Go through the row and column for the matched number // As soon as we find one in the row or column that isn't marked, we know that won't be bingo if ( !grids[grid].cells[row][i].marked ) maybebingorow = false; if ( !grids[grid].cells[i][col].marked ) maybebingocol = false; } //If we get here and maybebingocol or maybebingorow is true, we have bingo if ( maybebingorow || maybebingocol ){ wonGrids[grid] = true; if ( countWon(wonGrids, gridCount) == gridCount ){ unsigned int sum = sumUnmarked( &grids[grid] ); printf("Last Bingo!!\n"); printf("Round: %i\n", round); printf("Grid: %i\n", grid); printf("Unmarked Sum: %i\n", sum); printf("Last Called: %i\n", draws[round]); printf("Answer: %i\n", sum * draws[round]); printf("\n"); printGrid(&grids[grid]); return 0; } } } } } } } //No point checking before round 5 } fclose(fp); return 0; } else { printf("You need to provide a file\n"); return 1; } }